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‘Album’ Category

[Label: Hyperdub | Cat#: HDBLP064]
  1. Gentle Confrontation (04:21)
  2. 2003 (02:40)
  3. Let U Go (04:23)
  4. Déjà Vu (02:51)
  5. Prelude Of Tired Of Me (02:02)
  6. Glitch The System (Glitch Bitch 2) (03:34)
  7. I DM U (04:23)
  8. One Way Ticket To The Midwest (Emo) (02:25)
  9. Cards With The Grandparents (03:22)
  10. While They Were Singing (04:22)
  11. Try For Me (04:04)
  12. Tired Of Me (02:19)
  13. Speechless (04:58)
  14. Disjointed (Feeling Like A Kid Again) (04:06)
  15. I’m Trying To Love Myself (03:22)
  16. Saying Goodbye (03:32)
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[Label: Typeless | Cat#: TPLS007]
  1. Signal (06:18)
  2. Wildwave (05:29)
  3. Late Lake (04:31)
  4. Solo Move (05:04)
  5. Planet Eli (05:42)
  6. W001 (06:24)
  7. Solo Move (VOX EDIT) (05:04)
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[Label: OOH-sounds | Cat#: OOH038]
  1. I (21:54)
  2. II (10:30)
  3. III (08:30)
  4. IV (12:30)
  5. V (23:37)
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[Label: KatSz | Cat#: none]
  1. Congosymphag (10:00)
  2. Mesopothance (10:08)
  3. Casa das Canoagens (08:23)
  4. Nepturnal Amazoic (10:32)
  5. Archeoteghnure (10:04)
  6. Casa das Guineas (08:58)
  7. Ugandom I (14:20)
  8. Ugandom II (06:29)
  9. Maligma I (08:33)
  10. Maligma II (05:32)
  11. Ugandom Maligma (34:54)
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[Label: Temporary Residence | Cat#: TRR414]
  1. Ten Billion People (06:29)
  2. Moving On (04:34)
  3. Loved Ones (06:11)
  4. Peace Or Quiet (06:27)
  5. All Mountains (07:26)
  6. The Fight (06:20)
  7. It’s Never Going To Stop (08:04)
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[Label: Peak Oil | Cat#: PEAK018]
  1. In Circuits (05:17)
  2. 4k Murmurs (07:13)
  3. Stadium Drive (05:39)
  4. Pinned (07:24)
  5. Blue (07:12)
  6. We Should Keep Going (06:37)
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[Label: Best Effort | Cat#: BE012]
  1. Force-Lines (03:30)
  2. Spherology (04:12)
  3. Lansky’s Vision (07:20)
  4. Psychic Tsunami (04:54)
  5. Look Out Through My Eyes (02:31)
  6. Luxuria & Invidia (04:24)
  7. Liquid Breath (04:07)
  8. Machinic Unconscious (02:45)
  9. All Fortune Is Good Fortune (06:45)
  10. Look Out At The Things You Made (02:11)
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[Label: Janushoved | Cat#: 166]
  1. Falder Igennem Døre Af Alt Jeg Har Gjort (07:11)
  2. Slangen Om Englens Øjne (03:10)
  3. Sover Du (05:58)
  4. Himlens Skygge (01:36)
  5. Tågen Om Tårnets Irrede Hals (08:00)
  6. Forladte Skyer (03:33)
  7. Hvorend Hånden Måtte Vandre (06:27)
  8. Træerne Hvor Haven Ender (03:00)
  9. Vaarbækken (09:10)
  10. Febernat (02:30)
  11. Langs Muren Vokser Fortidens Blomster (08:16)
  12. Halvmånens Gyldne Horn (02:30)
  13. Purpurblod (16:43)
  14. Hvor Buegangene Mødes (02:00)
  15. Stækkede Minder (03:30)
  16. Solens Pletter Under Mine Øjne (02:00)
  17. Vinden I Poplernes Udslåede Hår (03:34)
  18. Vågner Du (02:18)
  19. Månen I Mine Hænder (20:00)
  20. Når Solen Svinder (01:14)
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[Label: Nous’klaer | Cat#: NOUSLP008]
  1. Reverie (06:28)
  2. Open Up The Blinds (06:26)
  3. Demise (05:14)
  4. Locked In (05:24)
  5. Surface Tension (05:12)
  6. Take Me There (06:00)
  7. Devotion (05:08)
  8. An Inclination (06:44)
  9. Exit (To Bliss) (04:04)
  10. Guardian (06:14)
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[Label: Houndstooth | Cat#: HTH168D]
  1. As Above (02:42)
  2. Where It Begins (05:52)
  3. La Figa (03:36)
  4. We, The Witches (04:36)
  5. Les Mis Muses (01:18)
  6. Tensegrity (03:57)
  7. Wallada (05:25)
  8. Tremors (02:03)
  9. Inner City Light (05:16)
  10. So Below (01:44)
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[Label: EMI | Cat#: none]
  1. Intro (01:09)
  2. Live Again (Feat. Halo Maud) (05:09)
  3. No Reason (04:52)
  4. Goodbye (05:49)
  5. Fountains (03:45)
  6. Magic Wand (02:27)
  7. The Weight (03:44)
  8. Skipping Like A Stone (04:43)
  9. The Darkness That You Fear (Harvest Mix) (04:09)
  10. Feels Like I Am Dreaming (06:57)
  11. For That Beautiful Feeling (04:14)
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[Label: Polydor | Cat#: none]
  1. Asking To Break (02:52)
  2. Loading (04:44)
  3. Tell Me (05:00)
  4. Fall Back (04:01)
  5. He’s Been Wonderful (03:21)
  6. Big Hammer (04:00)
  7. I Want You To Know (04:47)
  8. Night Sky (03:39)
  9. Fire The Editor (03:57)
  10. If You Can Hear Me (02:25)
  11. Playing Robots Into Heaven (03:54)
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[Label: Planet Mu | Cat#: ZIQ457]
  1. D.T.A.W.O. (Deprogramming The Atonist World Order) (05:36)
  2. Techno-Vernacular Phreak (04:37)
  3. Futurhythmic Bop (02:44)
  4. Holosonic Rebellion (05:27)
  5. Dr. Rock’s PowerNomics Vision (05:31)
  6. Jes’ Grew (05:48)
  7. Our Starship To Ociya Syndor (08:10)
  8. Feenin’ (05:24)
  9. Astro-Black Consciousness (08:33)
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[Label: PRSPCT | Cat#: PRSPCT295]
  1. Axehead (06:06)
  2. Magnetic Mountain (04:50)
  3. Eternal Mind (06:54)
  4. What We Once Were (07:00)
  5. Sleep Thieves (06:50)
  6. Curve Of Forgetting (07:04)
  7. Death Tappin (06:26)
  8. Twilight Emerge (07:30)
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[Label: Raster | Cat#: RM209]
  1. We Need A Medic (05:29)
  2. Trabajador Radial (05:48)
  3. Kreise (05:33)
  4. Inconsciente Alfa (04:52)
  5. Enredando (07:07)
  6. Modo II (05:17)
  7. Zoriontsu (05:06)
  8. Spazio (05:06)
  9. Entropie (04:04)
  10. Leer (05:09)
  11. Modernizacion Acelerada (04:44)
  12. Parvulos (06:05)
  13. Asentimiento (04:49)
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[Label: DDS | Cat#: DDS064]
  1. Let’s Play (03:45)
  2. Hiya (04:41)
  3. Chymes (01:22)
  4. Storm (05:40)
  5. Genesis (04:22)
  6. Shouts (01:45)
  7. Back To The Future (05:51)
  8. Hardcore (01:21)
  9. Stalker (05:53)
  10. Energy (03:41)
  11. Mourn Loop (01:26)
  12. 808 Universe (03:21)
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[Label: Hospital Productions | Cat#: none]
  1. Grown In The Shade Of The Glacier (08:30)
  2. Violent Spirit Looking Forever Out To Sea (10:05)
  3. Alaska Dorsal Scars (06:58)
  4. Orca Skull Memories (Bering Strait) (07:45)
  5. Breaching Puget Sound (07:54)
  6. Darkening Rain (Killer Whale Atmospheres) For Phillipe (05:05)
  7. Killer Whales Sleep With One Eye Open (08:10)
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[Label: Agos | Cat#: AGOS030]
  1. Circadian Rhythm (08:40)
  2. Midnight (06:08)
  3. Melatonin (07:01)
  4. NREM 1 (06:16)
  5. NREM 2 (05:52)
  6. NREM 3 (07:02)
  7. REM (07:27)
  8. Void & Materia – Adenosine (07:19)
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[Label: Oslated | Cat#: OSL028]
  1. Unnoticeable Seriousness (08:17)
  2. Near The Horizon (08:00)
  3. Proof That I Exist (08:28)
  4. Waves In The Sky (07:46)
  5. Crystalline And Obscure (06:31)
  6. Listening To The Sea (08:01)
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[Label: Astral Industries | Cat#: AI35]
  1. Side A (17:24)
  2. Side B (17:26)
  3. Side C (17:42)
  4. Side D (17:30)
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[Label: Nous’klaer Audio | Cat#: NOUS033+034]
  1. Function As Foils (05:34)
  2. Don’t Forget (05:28)
  3. Sourced (05:19)
  4. Eraser (06:52)
  5. Rather Stationary (06:10)
  6. Sorry About That (05:41)
  7. Does It Matter (06:34)
  8. Etseled (05:56)
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[Label: Psychic Liberation | Cat#: ENXPL18]
  1. Demon Love (08:34)
  2. XxBroodDemurexX (Siren) (03:11)
  3. Skizze (00:37)
  4. Acid Hiccup (05:36)
  5. Desire Is A Glitch (07:27)
  6. Something Out of It (03:40)
  7. Confessa (03:30)
  8. Dhalgren (03:48)
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[Label: Hotham Sound | Cat#:HS033]
  1. Older Than The Sea (04:01)
  2. Her First Hello (03:19)
  3. Empty World (04:59)
  4. How Long Does It Last (03:19)
  5. Anywhere I Go I’m Never Lonely (04:18)
  6. Hours In A Day (06:52)
  7. Very Special Things (04:09)
  8. I Have No Answers (05:28)
  9. Stars All Burn Away (06:49)
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[Label: Furthur Electronix | Cat#: SPECIAL003]
  1. Ett (06:56)
  2. Naked (05:33)
  3. Klanka (05:56)
  4. Frogshit (06:56)
  5. Shade (04:31)
  6. Grumble (04:47)
  7. Before We Vanish (05:41)
  8. Pebbles (04:35)
  9. Shadow (04:41)
  10. Is It Flat (05:41)
  11. If (05:13)
  12. Naughty Boy (04:40)
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[Label: YOUTH | Cat#: YOCS6]
  1. Still Life (01:31)
  2. I’m Losing My Fingers (02:13)
  3. Make Myself Cry (03:07)
  4. Sian (02:19)
  5. Walking On Clouds Slowly Sinking (04:13)
  6. Deathtune (01:46)
  7. Still Life II (04:12)
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[Label: American Dreams | Cat#: LPADR65]
  1. Amorphic Foothills (05:13)
  2. Dust Storm (08:15)
  3. Geology of Fire (05:11)
  4. A Fissure Exhales (12:25)
  5. Strata (07:07)
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[Label: FATi | Cat#: FAT06]
  1. Risin (02:16)
  2. Coucou Mon Ami (03:40)
  3. Feu Follets (04:32)
  4. All Ball (03:53)
  5. Tien-Bon (03:46)
  6. Zombini (03:08)
  7. Psyrock (03:57)
  8. Tone Beast (04:50)
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[Label: IDS | Cat#: IDS048]
  1. Tate’s Triok (03:13)
  2. Papua Paphiopedilum (03:06)
  3. Pitta Superba (03:35)
  4. Dendrolagus Matschiei (03:01)
  5. Oryza Schlechteri (03:15)
  6. Otidiphaps Insularis (03:12)
  7. Sticta Alpinotropica (03:15)
  8. Ponapea Hentyi (03:58)
  9. Thylogale Calabyi (03:32)
  10. Santalum Macgregorii (03:38)
  11. Acetenoides Bougainvillei (02:54)
  12. Bulbophyllum Calviventer (03:07)
  13. Pteralopex Anceps (03:04)
  14. Peroryctes Broadbenti (03:22)
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[Label: Dome Of Doom | Cat#: DOD117]
  1. Contact – Day 0 (03:18)
  2. Concerning The Conduct Of The Search (03:51)
  3. A Considered Reply – Day 1 (05:28)
  4. Fractious – Day 10 (03:35)
  5. Day 100 (02:36)
  6. Starfire (feat R.A.P. Ferreira) (04:42)
  7. Intermission (01:03)
  8. Float (feat The Breathing Effect) (03:09)
  9. New Dae (04:07)
  10. Lightness – Day 10k (03:16)
  11. Six Thousand Years To Go (02:17)
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[Label: Monkeytown | Cat#: MTR035SP]
  1. The Mark – Interlude (Sped Up Version) (01:17)
  2. Bad Kingdom (Sped Up Version) (03:30)
  3. Versions (Sped Up Version) (04:08)
  4. Let In The Light (Sped Up Version) (03:24)
  5. Milk (Sped Up Version) (08:03)
  6. Therapy (Sped Up Version) (04:36)
  7. Gita (Sped Up Version) (03:30)
  8. Clouded – Interlude (Sped Up Version) (01:14)
  9. Ilona (Sped Up Version) (04:02)
  10. Damage Done (Sped Up Version) (04:20)
  11. This Time (Sped Up Version) (04:36)
  12. Last Time (Sped Up Version) (04:11)
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[Label: Self-released | Cat#: none]
  1. A$ᶖL3$ (03:47)
  2. Kann Klub Ultra (03:48)
  3. HAKA (05:25)
  4. lucy#97424 (03:54)
  5. BaddCenturion (05:20)
  6. ANTICO (03:20)
  7. AII™ Units (04:34)
  8. RaGnap Barak (03:52)
  9. (cHAo$ MonDe) (02:16)
  10. Y.L.U.T.F (05:31)
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[Label: Utter | Cat#: UTTER19]
  1. cicada break (07:05)
  2. frank’s hublots (06:21)
  3. all night drip (ft. Nikolay Kozlov) (06:31)
  4. ∞∞ (ft. Space Afrika) (04:02)
  5. was it holy (ft. Desireé Monique) (02:09)
  6. opaque333 (03:33)
  7. me when u (04:40)
  8. they’re with you always (ft. Igor Dyachenko & Mathilde) (05:56)
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[Label: Skam | Cat#: SKALP038]
  1. Geiwis (01:30)
  2. Skrunge (03:38)
  3. NSEM Rev (06:00)
  4. 30Mag (04:15)
  5. Quadro Diagrammatics (04:20)
  6. SKEF (03:27)
  7. RZ (11:28)
  8. Sile (06:40)
  9. 2 vs 2 (04:50)
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[Label: Self-released | Cat#: none]
  1. 2 Many 1 (02:43)
  2. Merindas (01:31)
  3. Not Strugglin’ (04:03)
  4. Spice (02:47)
  5. Electric Car (03:17)
  6. Jorge’s Auto Repair (02:17)
  7. New York Reality Check 101 (01:25)
  8. East Broadway Run Down (02:23)
  9. Young People Are The Solution Not The Problem (02:22)
  10. Cube Heads (02:35)
  11. Yuca (03:07)
  12. R2NE (02:10)
  13. Whats App (02:47)
  14. Wings (03:23)
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[Label: DDS | Cat#: DDS058-COL]
  1. Side A (20:00)
  2. Side B (24:00)
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[Label: SVBKVLT | Cat#: SBKT059]
  1. Burning Smartphones at a Sunset Desert (02:04)
  2. Eggs (04:20)
  3. Sandbox (05:45)
  4. Gin & Broccoli (04:06)
  5. Pea Pod (03:06)
  6. Chips (03:55)
  7. Turn a Roach to a Cleaning Bot (07:07)
  8. Boids (06:33)
  9. Don’t Think (03:34)
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[Label: Psy X | Cat#: PSY008]
  1. Ent-22 (03:22)
  2. DnB Jan (03:49)
  3. Memory IV 140-160 (04:20)
  4. My Hair Funk (03:31)
  5. In Your Head (03:47)
  6. Silence 2 (04:30)
  7. New DnB (04:00)
  8. XTC Kicked In (03:42)
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[Label: UIQ | Cat#: UIQLP006]
  1. Lumen Naturae (04:24)
  2. Sunta (04:39)
  3. Miserēre (05:39)
  4. Vīsiōnem (04:58)
  5. Arx (04:48)
  6. Extasis (03:57)
  7. Illumina (04:00)
  8. Lux Aeterna (05:26)
  9. Trānsīre (03:46)
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[Label: BRUK | Cat#: BRUKLP1]
  1. Fluido And Piacing (05:56)
  2. Lotus (03:32)
  3. Spider Of Hanns Heinz Ewers (03:35)
  4. Extinction (01:22)
  5. It’s Not Like Touching (03:11)
  6. Melancholy Of Guillaume Apollinaire (02:02)
  7. I Can Watch It (03:33)
  8. Cosmos Smooth (03:29)
  9. Drive Smooth (10:14)
  10. When Getting Involved (05:08)
  11. Let’s Open The Pandora Box (06:10)
  12. Witch Of Nikolai Gogol (03:41)
  13. Lyre Of Theodor Kellner (04:16)
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[Label: The Trilogy Tapes | Cat#: TTTRSWAWWAW]
  1. Manic Balance (02:51)
  2. Bovine Overbite (06:44)
  3. Emperor Worm (04:52)
  4. Youth Scene Butcher Dub (04:10)
  5. Mega Ramp (04:34)
  6. Can’t Tell Me Nothin’ (02:20)
  7. Touch The Tap (04:38)
  8. Swimmer’s Ear (05:09)
  9. Nearly Time (02:12)
  10. Primitive Paste (05:19)
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