[Label: Discreet Music | Cat#: DMCD02]
- Jon Collin – Dream Sequence, End Of Summer (04:59)
- Astrid Øster Mortensen – Har Ondt I Halsen Og Går Til Biblioteket For Att Låne En Bog (03:09)
- Astrid Øster Mortensen – A Shy Kind Of Being (01:47)
- Charlott Malmenholt – Unica Zürn Flyger Över Hannover (02:22)
- Blod – Tillsammans (05:01)
- Hugo Randulv – Cello Improvisation 1 (03:20)
- Sewer Election – Leak Loop (05:02)
- Skogar – Wrong Legacy (02:08)
- Incipientium – Rayan (04:11)
- Leda – Trummusik (04:46)
- JJ Ulius – Ansiktet Bland Molnen (Att Leva Och Dö I Norden) (01:02)
- Amateur Hour – Baby You Are All I Want (03:52)
- Arv & Miljö – Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (04:42)
- Klas Trollius – Fiskhamnen (05:47)
- Treasury Of Puppies – Mordet I Kennelklubben (01:16)

[Label: Ganzfeld | Cat#: GZFLD004]
- I’ll Be Missing You (06:02)
- Awakening (05:20)
- Know Thyself (05:30)
- I Believe In You (06:27)

[Label: Molten Moods | Cat#: MOLTEN14]
- Nailbath (04:39)
- Tilting (05:25)
- Cloud Sniff (04:21)
- Placebo Heart (03:23)
- Sapiens (04:14)
- Poisoned Tiger (05:09)

[Label: Nodding Heads | Cat#: NHNBR01]
- ‘R’ – Scattered Ruins (06:24)
- Nailbiter – Try To Speak (06:19)
- Nailbiter – The Switch (06:31)
- ‘R’ – Wooden Sword (05:39)
- Nailbiter – I Sensed Something (06:32)

[Label: Self-released | Cat#: none]
- Calc Wave (10:39)
- Lenz (08:02)
- Parallel (09:17)
- Series (09:04)
- Sinusoid (14:22)

[Label: The Game | Cat#: GAME002]
- Ark X – Ochre (06:42)
- Duburban & Jahganaut – Lose My Soul (05:19)

[Label: Hausu Mountain | Cat#: HAUSMO118]
- Memory Wipe (05:29)
- Step To Descension (03:21)
- Fractured Nexus (07:30)
- Squirm! (03:44)
- Precog Choreographer (11:36)
- Walking Delirium (02:57)
- Pattern Recognition (10:44)
- Now I Can See Them Too (02:52)
- Caved (07:29)
- Junk DNA (08:01)
- Web Theory (05:11)
- Detoxifying Smoke (07:41)
- Parasites To Paradise (03:49)
- Rainbow Grid (03:25)
- Cash Glitch (06:28)
- Sweat Lodge Ceremony (06:00)
- We Sin With Others (07:13)
- 404 Sky Not Found (02:52)
- Astral Infection (05:05)

[Label: Warehouse Rave | Cat#: WRX12]
- Concussion (04:54)
- Coordinated Love (05:36)
- Fatigue (07:06)
- It Was Us Or Them (07:55)

[Label: Self-released | Cat#: none]
- Du Côté De Chez Swann – Il Y A Bien Des Années … Dans Le Silence Du Soir (20:09)
- Du Côté De Chez Swann – Les Lieux … Comme Les Années (20:06)
- À L’Ombre Des Jeunes Filles En Fleurs – Nos Désirs Vont … Qui L’Avait Réclamé (21:23)
- À L’Ombre Des Jeunes Filles En Fleurs – Car Il Était Celui … Il Navigue (19:43)
- Le Côté De Guermantes – Mais, Dans Les Autres … La Princesse De Guermantes (19:01)
- Le Côté De Guermantes – Mais Ça M’Amuse … Des Goûts Flatteurs Pour Elle (21:32)
- Sodome Et Gomorrhe – C’Était Une Femme Charmante … Menaçant (19:16)
- Sodome Et Gomorrhe – Et Ce Mouvement Gracieux … Me Recevoir (20:45)
- La Prisonnière – Ma Jalousie S’Apaisait … Avec Moi (18:56)
- La Fugitive – Parfois, Au Crépuscule … Sur Ce Passé (19:51)
- Le Temps Retrouvé – Si Je M’Étais Toujours … Le Temps Perdu (19:51)
- Le Temps Retrouvé – À Ce Moment Même … Avec Moi (20:05)
- Addenda – Il Avait Eu Envie De Réentendre Certains Quatuors De Beethoven (57:04)

[Label: Warehouse Rave | Cat#: WRX28]
- Ice Lake (01:51)
- Waterfall (01:29)
- Ouija Riddem (03:40)
- Such a Feeling (02:35)
- Ou (03:36)
- Mr Freeze (04:08)

[Label: Open Tapes | Cat#: OC04]
- Somewhere I Have Never Traveled (07:12)
- Your Eyes Have Their Silence (06:40)
- In Your Most Frail Gesture (07:32)
- I Cannot Touch (05:04)

[Label: YUKU | Cat#: YUKUWHT001]
- Fruaki (03:27)
- Get (04:52)
- B Strange (04:41)
- FRS (04:04)

[Label: Fallen Metropolis | Cat#: FAM062]
- Related Questions (13:19)
- Aswang I (06:18)
- Aswang II (06:52)

[Label: Warehouse Rave | Cat#: WRX22]
- Money’s Worth (04:39)
- Worp (06:21)
- Haa (04:23)
- Digital Fluid (05:53)
- In Ether (04:47)

[Label: Total Stasis | Cat#: STASIS017]
- Perseverance (07:28)
- Lingua (04:36)
- This Is (09:27)
- Reso 1 (02:33)
- Unmarked Traces (03:24)
- In The Other Room (01:39)
- One Call Away (07:20)
- Angles (05:21)
- Touch Of Rain (03:35)
- Last Picture Gone (02:50)

[Label: Warehouse Rave | Cat#: WRX30]
- Wild (02:08)
- Aquarium (03:20)
- Balloon People (02:31)
- Twillight (02:21)
- Descend (02:33)
- CYAN (03:04)
- Eclipse 92 (04:57)

[Label: Phage Tapes | Cat#: PT:310]
- Live in Paris (43:14)
- Live in Brussels (37:15)

[Label: Evar | Cat#: EVAR008]
- Midnight (04:47)
- Heat Index (05:02)
- Hurricane (04:04)
- Retrograde (04:04)
- Radial Lens (04:23)

[Label: DISPLAY | Cat#: none]
- The Tracker (11:10)
- Surveyor 01 (10:52)
- The Engineer (12:05)
- Memory Build 02 (10:21)
- The Cartographer (10:32)
- Map to Sanctuary (11:41)

[Label: Klokwork | Cat#: KLOK2]
- Shye Cee & Forenziks – Centuries Of Krime (Husquabah Mix) (04:48)
- DJ Worm & Frank White Associates – 37 Chamber Of Shoalin (07:10)

[Label: Time Is Now | Cat#: TINTENS002]
- Lonely City Cut 2 (05:51)
- Lost In A Sea Of Rolling Eyes (05:38)
- Lonely City Cut 4 (05:12)
- Then There Was The Mass Chanting (04:33)

[Label: Lobster Theremin | Cat#: LTWHT028]
- D.L.P (05:10)
- Velocity of Love (04:02)
- Wuthering Heights (03:58)

[Label: Karaoke Kalk | Cat#: Karaoke Kalk 124]
- A Hidden Star (04:42)
- Fish In The Afternoon (07:10)
- Silkworms (09:35)
- Industry Standard (04:45)
- LUXE (07:56)
- Rutistus (03:59)
- x7 (05:56)

[Label: Lobster Theremin | Cat#: LT095]
- Shufflin’ (06:40)
- WWC (04:31)
- I Can’t Stop (06:16)
- Yoland and his Tortoise (04:06)
- Urquoise (05:26)

[Label: Western Lore | Cat#: LORELP04]
- Ascendant (05:04)
- New Moon (05:23)
- Constellation (04:41)
- Vision (05:26)
- Revelation (05:18)
- Midheaven (06:32)
- The Sun, The Moon + The Truth (06:30)
- Mystic Transportation (06:00)
- Conjunction (04:57)
- Aspect (05:39)
- Truthsayer (05:32)
- Enlighten (05:17)

[Label: The Final Experiment | Cat#: TFEx12]
- Infinite (09:06)
- Scattered Blue (09:18)

[Label: Deaf Test | Cat#: DT001]
- Rayhana (05:17)
- Dark Lavis (05:11)
- 5G Bats (04:26)

[Label: Porridge Bullet | Cat#: PB029]
- Roasting (05:44)
- Gotta Play (07:27)
- Imagine That (02:18)
- Here We Go Again (06:23)
- Could Seinfeld Have Tasted This (05:32)
- Get It (06:29)
- Lon (07:15)
- Psychick (01:54)

[Label: Hyperdub | Cat#: HDBCD050]
- ANTIDAWN (08:43)
- NEW LOVE (07:13)

[Label: Apt E | Cat#: APTE03]
- Escape Your Shape (11:47)
- Flip Your Flip (14:00)

[Label: Self-released | Cat#: none]
- Whiplash (05:23)
- Windy Miller (05:13)
- 99 (03:58)
- Butterfly (03:52)
- Boundary Rd. (04:10)
- Traffic Light (04:59)
- Luminaire (04:41)
- Riverdance (05:20)
- Synaptic Pressure (04:59)
- Mogadon (03:26)

[Label: Ohrfeigen | Cat#: OHRFEIGEN003]
- Lady Maru & Ayako Mori – Dark Autumn (05:11)
- DJ Shufflemaster – A.K.A.Serial Killer (05:29)
- MAYUDEPTH – ray pusi (05:54)
- Kana Mechaniker – 4 dimensions (05:29)

[Label: 5 GATE TEMPLE | Cat#: 5GT019]
- trackONE jm (04:32)
- trackTWO jm (09:54)
- trackTHREE jm (02:30)
- trackFOUR jm (00:53)
- trackFIVE jm (02:32)
- trackSIX jm (02:51)
- trackSEVEN jm (04:35)
- trackEIGHT jm (02:15)
- trackNINE jm (04:17)

[Label: Longhaul | Cat#: HAULAGE003]
- Poli Digi (05:30)
- Rookie Delete Crash (03:25)
- Broken Specific (05:25)
- Mobile Patrol Coupe (06:15)
- Bonus Jungle (06:41)

[Label: Alrealon Musique | Cat#: ALRN111]
- Confluences 1 (41:48)

[Label: re:st | Cat#: RE33]
- #25 (03:58)
- #26 (04:00)
- #27 (04:00)
- #28 (03:57)
- #29 (03:58)
- #30 (03:59)
- #29 (Peder Mannerfelt Remix) (05:37)

[Label: Permanent Vacation | Cat#: PERMVAC2411]
- Breaking Through the Soil (08:01)
- Fungi Spin (06:28)
- Dazy Bop (09:36)
- Paradise Drum V2 (08:37)
- Tsutsusi (06:27)
- Everything Between the Sun and The Soil (07:56)

[Label: Stooge Productions | Cat#: DSP010]
- Untitled (04:16)
- Natural World (05:20)
- 9.30 Nine O-Clock (05:20)

[Label: Planet Mu | Cat#: ZIQ445]
- Embryo (03:53)
- Auto Pilot (03:42)
- Connect The Dots (03:21)
- Rabbit Hole (03:22)

[Label: Spare Beat | Cat#: SBRR001]
- I’m Not Dreaming (04:51)
- Le Raboteux Chant (05:24)
- Twirl (04:16)