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bvdub / Epilogues for the End of the Sky [2017]

01. On Deaf Hearts Your Prayers They Fall
02. With Broken Wings And Giants Tall
03. Sparkling Legions Turn To Black
04. Your Painted Armor Aches To Crack
05. Clouds Besiege What You Remain
06. Footsteps Fade If Not Your Pain
07. Love Is Never Asking Why
08. It All Ends With The Coming Sky


  1. . April 26, 2017

    How long you reckon before Brock tells you to take this down?

  2. RDJ April 26, 2017

    ul is back

  3. The Ghost of Michael Jackson April 26, 2017


  4. Brock April 26, 2017

    take this down. I’ve only put out a measly 9 albums so far this year so you are eating into my profits.

    • thank u April 26, 2017

      thanks brock

      • Brock April 26, 2017

        what do you mean thanks? you don’t know how long I take on each album so stfu.

        • pocket calculator April 26, 2017

          is it approximately, 13 days each? …i can barely create one satisfactorily complex song in that time..but then i’m `a detailhead`

        • Justin Time April 26, 2017

          if you make music for the “profits” you’re not an artist but a mercenary (aka SLUT)

          • Brock April 27, 2017

            But i need the cash to get more tattoos on my arms.

          • no hope April 27, 2017

            if you are serious, you are a retard (aka handicapped)

  5. 5meo April 26, 2017

    Downloading just too annoy Brock, not even gonna listen.

  6. Optimistic Underground April 26, 2017

    This guy.

  7. Störung April 26, 2017

    Gotta collect ’em all!

  8. matt j April 26, 2017

    the man! and this is actually good

  9. Don't forget to exercise April 26, 2017

    who is brock? who is this band? who gives shit about this

    • katran April 27, 2017

      You clearly did

  10. ghosttropics April 26, 2017

    the album/song titles on this one are almost bordering on self parody. this dude takes himself far too seriously

    • (90) April 26, 2017

      It’s a poem, how cute!

  11. asd April 26, 2017

    loool he’s slowed down with releases compared to like 2012, hasn’t he? thanks nd!

    • zxcvbnm April 26, 2017

      Yeah, he had self releases last year and a label release two years ago, so in bvdub-time that is ages..

  12. Steve Segall April 26, 2017


  13. {Vincent} April 26, 2017

    what R U guys talking about

    • alright April 26, 2017

      It’s some kind of producer that puts out pretty boring drone shit… everyone here trying to prove they are more “in the know” by arguing about “labels” and releases etc…

  14. Pee Baby April 26, 2017

    If everyone drank water as often as this dude releases an album, we would have the cleanest pee.

  15. iceland April 26, 2017

    my queef you smell, beneath the sheets
    your cum upon, my sparkling teets

    • Brock April 27, 2017

      Thanks, will use this as my next album title, it comes out in a few days.

    • no hope April 27, 2017

      haiku <3

  16. pati April 27, 2017

    came here just to read the comments

  17. Pol Pot April 27, 2017

    keep this shit to myspace

  18. boombaps April 28, 2017

    This guys inspired the greatest nodata comment ever-

    Now, I don’t say this lightly: but to really understand bvdub one needs something along the lines of Lysergic-Acid-Dyeithelmien or Pscilocibin.
    His music is STRUCTURED THOUGHTFULLY (and with the “master stroke” so painfully missing from most music) for that “near -death” state of mind. I say this after 20 years of Audiomancy. (I am 38). If you remain still on a window-pain & play anything by bvdub from 2009 onwards, a WORTHY stargate will open.
    Also, he is the ONLY artist I take pains to buy. ;)

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