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Lumisokea / Transmissions From Revarsavr [2016]

[Label: Opal Tapes | Cat#: OPAL065]
  1. Generation Z (5:52)
  2. Buk (3:46)
  3. Whirling Dervishes (6:23)
  4. Hyman Otor (3:47)
  5. Uroboros (6:20)
  6. Engrams (5:29)
  7. Nanissáanah (7:15)


  1. CoachDumfi January 26, 2016

    It is very difficult to make time in this city with the wire entanglements, dead robots atop partially covered building structures that appear to made from more tangled wires, solar panels and batteries. Reception on my mobile devices are very good. All that matters.

    • matt j January 27, 2016


  2. juststuffit January 26, 2016

    33 Troll Druid
    Spatial Arrangement
    I’m an officer (and occasionally raid leader/raid assist) in a fairly successful raiding guild. Not top end but we’ve got several bosses down on heroic, and generally we have a bunch of talented and sociable bum raiders.

    However. One of our raid members has a tendency to complain and whine about everything that’s wrong. Example; their pc isn’t fixed, thus making them play on a laptop, which isn’t up to the task.
    While we (the officers) understand this can be annoying, it annoys US that they’re going on about it ad nauseam! Everything that’s wrong, from lag, to who they’re paired with to … well I don’t know.

    The end result is that we (meaning the officers who’s got to listen to it) are getting very tired of having to listen to it. The question is how to get this across to the raider in a proper manner, without causing insult or resentment – or to say it more crudely, how do we get the raider to *shut up* without causing resentment?

    (It should be mentioned that pc-problems and whining aside, they’re a good raider and an asset to the guild)

    • SirWaneToTheLeftSlideToTheRigh January 27, 2016

      Juststufit has brought to our attention a serious puzzle that must but cannot be solved, high stakes conundrums as such are usually appropriated to lower forms of human life: FSB, CIA, and former KGB agents etc. et al. We all know who the raider in question is (cannot be named due to defamation and slander lawsuits that might arise) but like the ten ton pink elephant in the room, the raider will not go away. In the real world problems are dealt with: men take out insurance policies and then murder their wives after they have taken a new lover, women are learning this same trick. Putin sends to of his ex KGB thugs to the UK with Plutonium that is laced into Victor Livedenko’s tea, (former KGB agent) who dies two week later. The raiders watch us like hawks, follow our every steps, and the store this information in large data banks only to be used when someone becomes a problem (we all know who the raider in question is) and then this data is re-assembled into a perfect picture of that raider’s accumulative life. I am not in a position to green light a solution to our problem, a manner that only those who live in the real world can handle. You will only get a wink and a nod from me. Long live the guild.

  3. Peak of The Sacred January 27, 2016

    ^ ^ ^ Must be those RC drugs around these days

    • juststuffit January 27, 2016

      Nope, because that contravenes rule #8 of my guild’s Recruitment Guidelines. See rules as follows:

      1. Have a dedicated set of rules all guild members must adhere to
      2. Keep everything as transparent as possible
      3. Be fair to everyone – unless they are Russian or fascist
      4. Keep toxic players out, or delete them ASAP!!!
      5. REMEMBER: “In the long run you are much better off teaching good people how to be great raiders, rather than teach great raiders how to be good people…” (Kanawaza-Ursin)
      R.I.P Kanawaza-Ursin, what a life lived!
      6. Promote people who are positive and have good ideas
      7. Tell people who complain: “Bring me 4 possible solutions to a problem you think we have, or suck it up and get over it”. Remember, you’re job is not to be a mother! Don’t be silly.
      8. No substance use (including Adderall and other stimulants!) You don’t want some dummy dropping out of a rain to get a hit of dope! If WoW isn’t addictive enough on it’s own, you need to reconsider your choice of guild!
      9. Finally: don’t let anyone EVER hold your guild or raid “hostage”. The minute someone says anything like “Either do A, or B, or C – or I won’t tank/heal/raid/play/LG quit…” simply help them along and give them Das Boot! (btw, whose bed have ur boots been under?)
      10. Oh – one more thing which has kept our guild Drama Free since Vanilla….keep /guild chat “clean”. Tell your people the following topics are forbidden from guild chat: Religion, Politics, defamatory/racist crap, sexual preferences, favourite types of junk food, drug use, or bragging about your hacking skills… Guild Chat and unfair Raid Looting are the 2 biggest guild crushers. The wrong comment on the wrong day….and it’s like a torpedo to a cruiseliner… ….

      Hope this helps. Regards,
      Juststufit of Ursin Elite Guild

  4. opal tapes January 28, 2016

    has nothing on rihanna, whose new album i was hoping to find for download on no data dot tee vee

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