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Fatima Al Qadiri / Brut [2016]

[Label: Hyperdub | Cat#: HDBCD031]
  1. Endzone (1:53)
  2. Blood Moon (3:32)
  3. Breach (2:46)
  4. Curfew (2:45)
  5. Battery (2:59)
  6. 10-34 (2:41)
  7. Oubliette (3:33)
  8. Blows (3:20)
  9. Aftermath (3:55)
  10. Fragmentation (4:10)
  11. Power (4:51)


  1. w33d January 25, 2016

    allbm of yaer

  2. ABC January 25, 2016

    Poor Hyperdub. They need to get their leaks in check.

  3. SignINthenSingOUT January 25, 2016

    Worst android ever built. Two weeks in (this is the third Android I have purchased and tried to live with) and the damned thing started gobbling up all of the cookies in the house (The Android’s cookie thievery alway takes place in the pitch dark hours between midnight and three in the a.m.) and then spitting them out all over oakwood floors of my LA Mini-Mansion) due to faulty wiring of it’s digestive track. Could someone please design and develop a more user friendly Android with a digestive track that chops up food like wood chopper.

    • steve albini January 29, 2016

      shut up

  4. thank u January 25, 2016

    thank u

  5. dondonnydon January 26, 2016

    pffff ….. pseudo

  6. ayy January 27, 2016

    memetastic tbh

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