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‘Ambient’ Category

[Label: Ivreatronic | Cat#: IVR017]
  1. Intorno Allo Schermo (20:54)
  2. FDB (04:28)
  3. Canto Di Maggio (04:58)
  4. Fermarsi (07:47)
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[Label: Cocktail d’Amore | Cat#: CDALP004]
  1. Roberto Musci – Kami Shintai (Lion’s Drums edit) (06:01)
  2. Vasilisk – Awakening (Lion’s Drums edit) (05:07)
  3. Budi Und Gumbls – Tanz Der Korperlinge (Lion’s Drums edit) (05:51)
  4. Freddy Spins – Journey To Middle Earth (Lion’s Drums edit) (06:48)
  5. Roberto Musci & Lion’s Drums – Alap On Benares (06:01)
  6. Manos Tsangaris & Lion’s Drums – Crying Tafel (07:48)
  7. Tullio De Piscopo – Fastness (Lion’s Drums edit) (04:28)
  8. Suzanne Ciani – Paris 1971 (Lion’s Drums with Roberto Musci Lost Tapes remix) (06:57)
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[Label: Permanent Vacation | Cat#: PERMVAC2431]
  1. Entropy (04:49)
  2. Elysion (01:23)
  3. Freezing Point Depression (03:09)
  4. Helium Rising (03:27)
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[Label: mutism | Cat#: MUTISM02]
  1. Blue Planet (07:10)
  2. Invisible Man (05:21)
  3. First Time In A While (04:28)
  4. Second Thoughts (06:00)
  5. Infiltrator (05:01)
  6. Roots (07:29)
  7. Left Lane (05:16)
  8. Shaded (05:53)
  9. Infinite Highway (04:57)
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[Label: Modern Obscure Music | Cat#: MOM031]
  1. Alpha Parte – Magna Controversia (18:58)
  2. Omega Parte – Quomodo Erit Finis (18:04)
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[Label: Monkeytown | Cat#: MTR119LP3]
  1. Extended Chords (47:36)
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[Label: Hausu Mountain | Cat#: HAUSMO119]

Disc 1

  1. Inhalation of God (09:37)
  2. Enter the Endclosure (05:31)
  3. 2016 Clown Sightings (02:08)
  4. Tricked by the Light (06:24)
  5. Natural Cyle of Life and Death (Nightcord) (05:34)
  6. Peace of Mindddfuck (03:12)
  7. Mean and Nasty Things for No Reason (03:07)
  8. Choosing Where to be Born (03:27)
  9. Death Tones (07:17)
  10. Flowing Unknowing (11:13)

Disc 2

  1. Source Message (04:56)
  2. Green Fog (06:30)
  3. Fun E-Real Procession (04:46)
  4. 7 Years (11:14)
  5. Corpse Grindr (06:57)
  6. All I’ve Got (12:56)
  7. Exhalation of God (05:18)
  8. Don’t Worry, It’s All Behind You (04:41)
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[Label: Hyperdub | Cat#: HDBCD050]
  1. Strange Neighbourhood (11:04)
  2. Antidawn (08:44)
  3. Shadow Paradise (10:21)
  4. New Love (07:14)
  5. Upstairs Flat (06:08)
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[Label: Organic Analogue | Cat#: OA009]
  1. Viva La Differenze! + Razzillian Ruzzodox (06:19)
  2. The Art Of Peace (Edit) (06:17)
  3. Z.O.N.E. (04:29)
  4. Zoat Zingo (05:00)
  5. PROJECTION (05:22)
  6. Theme from the surreal estate (06:33)
  7. Untitled (06:22)
  8. Homeworld (Edit) (07:13)
  9. Moonlight (06:02)
  10. Bladerunner02 (03:04)
  11. Alt QuadPhunk (05:56)
  12. Marja-Liisa (07:15)
  13. 101​.​202​.​606​.​R8 (04:08)
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[Label: Discreet Music | Cat#: DMCD02]
  1. Jon Collin – Dream Sequence, End Of Summer (04:59)
  2. Astrid Øster Mortensen – Har Ondt I Halsen Og Går Til Biblioteket For Att Låne En Bog (03:09)
  3. Astrid Øster Mortensen – A Shy Kind Of Being (01:47)
  4. Charlott Malmenholt – Unica Zürn Flyger Över Hannover (02:22)
  5. Blod – Tillsammans (05:01)
  6. Hugo Randulv – Cello Improvisation 1 (03:20)
  7. Sewer Election – Leak Loop (05:02)
  8. Skogar – Wrong Legacy (02:08)
  9. Incipientium – Rayan (04:11)
  10. Leda – Trummusik (04:46)
  11. JJ Ulius – Ansiktet Bland Molnen (Att Leva Och Dö I Norden) (01:02)
  12. Amateur Hour – Baby You Are All I Want (03:52)
  13. Arv & Miljö – Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (04:42)
  14. Klas Trollius – Fiskhamnen (05:47)
  15. Treasury Of Puppies – Mordet I Kennelklubben (01:16)
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[Label: Hausu Mountain | Cat#: HAUSMO118]
  1. Memory Wipe (05:29)
  2. Step To Descension (03:21)
  3. Fractured Nexus (07:30)
  4. Squirm! (03:44)
  5. Precog Choreographer (11:36)
  6. Walking Delirium (02:57)
  7. Pattern Recognition (10:44)
  8. Now I Can See Them Too (02:52)
  9. Caved (07:29)
  10. Junk DNA (08:01)
  11. Web Theory (05:11)
  12. Detoxifying Smoke (07:41)
  13. Parasites To Paradise (03:49)
  14. Rainbow Grid (03:25)
  15. Cash Glitch (06:28)
  16. Sweat Lodge Ceremony (06:00)
  17. We Sin With Others (07:13)
  18. 404 Sky Not Found (02:52)
  19. Astral Infection (05:05)
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[Label: Self-released | Cat#: none]
  1. Du Côté De Chez Swann – Il Y A Bien Des Années … Dans Le Silence Du Soir (20:09)
  2. Du Côté De Chez Swann – Les Lieux … Comme Les Années (20:06)
  3. À L’Ombre Des Jeunes Filles En Fleurs – Nos Désirs Vont … Qui L’Avait Réclamé (21:23)
  4. À L’Ombre Des Jeunes Filles En Fleurs – Car Il Était Celui … Il Navigue (19:43)
  5. Le Côté De Guermantes – Mais, Dans Les Autres … La Princesse De Guermantes (19:01)
  6. Le Côté De Guermantes – Mais Ça M’Amuse … Des Goûts Flatteurs Pour Elle (21:32)
  7. Sodome Et Gomorrhe – C’Était Une Femme Charmante … Menaçant (19:16)
  8. Sodome Et Gomorrhe – Et Ce Mouvement Gracieux … Me Recevoir (20:45)
  9. La Prisonnière – Ma Jalousie S’Apaisait … Avec Moi (18:56)
  10. La Fugitive – Parfois, Au Crépuscule … Sur Ce Passé (19:51)
  11. Le Temps Retrouvé – Si Je M’Étais Toujours … Le Temps Perdu (19:51)
  12. Le Temps Retrouvé – À Ce Moment Même … Avec Moi (20:05)
  13. Addenda – Il Avait Eu Envie De Réentendre Certains Quatuors De Beethoven (57:04)
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[Label: Open Tapes | Cat#: OC04]
  1. Somewhere I Have Never Traveled (07:12)
  2. Your Eyes Have Their Silence (06:40)
  3. In Your Most Frail Gesture (07:32)
  4. I Cannot Touch (05:04)
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[Label: Fallen Metropolis | Cat#: FAM062]
  1. Related Questions (13:19)
  2. Aswang I (06:18)
  3. Aswang II (06:52)
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[Label: Total Stasis | Cat#: STASIS017]
  1. Perseverance (07:28)
  2. Lingua (04:36)
  3. This Is (09:27)
  4. Reso 1 (02:33)
  5. Unmarked Traces (03:24)
  6. In The Other Room (01:39)
  7. One Call Away (07:20)
  8. Angles (05:21)
  9. Touch Of Rain (03:35)
  10. Last Picture Gone (02:50)
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[Label: DISPLAY | Cat#: none]
  1. The Tracker (11:10)
  2. Surveyor 01 (10:52)
  3. The Engineer (12:05)
  4. Memory Build 02 (10:21)
  5. The Cartographer (10:32)
  6. Map to Sanctuary (11:41)
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[Label: Karaoke Kalk | Cat#: Karaoke Kalk 124]
  1. A Hidden Star (04:42)
  2. Fish In The Afternoon (07:10)
  3. Silkworms (09:35)
  4. Industry Standard (04:45)
  5. LUXE (07:56)
  6. Rutistus (03:59)
  7. x7 (05:56)
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[Label: Hyperdub | Cat#: HDBCD050]
  2. ANTIDAWN (08:43)
  3. SHADOW PARADISE (10:20)
  4. NEW LOVE (07:13)
  5. UPSTAIRS FLAT (06:07)
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[Label: 5 GATE TEMPLE | Cat#: 5GT019]
  1. trackONE jm (04:32)
  2. trackTWO jm (09:54)
  3. trackTHREE jm (02:30)
  4. trackFOUR jm (00:53)
  5. trackFIVE jm (02:32)
  6. trackSIX jm (02:51)
  7. trackSEVEN jm (04:35)
  8. trackEIGHT jm (02:15)
  9. trackNINE jm (04:17)
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[Label: Alrealon Musique | Cat#: ALRN111]
  1. Confluences 1 (41:48)
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[Label: The Wormhole | Cat#: WHO21]
  1. Jungle Shuffle (JGD Rework) (06:37)
  2. Jungle Shuffle (JGD Beatless Version) (08:50)
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[Label: Nous’klaer Audio | Cat#: NOUSLP006]
  1. Absorption [Citywide] (04:27)
  2. Submerged (05:09)
  3. safe-/-sound (06:31)
  4. Thunder Road (06:11)
  5. Cirrus Apparition (06:58)
  6. Rose Suffix (06:21)
  7. In Time We’ll Know (07:46)
  8. d i a s p a r (05:36)
  9. Om und Draag (Reduced Mix) (04:44)
  10. Monolith (06:44)
  11. Velvet (08:06)
  12. …in all it’s splendor (04:34)
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[Label: Wisdom Teeth | Cat#: WSDM020]
  1. Zissou (04:05)
  2. Airtight (04:19)
  3. Deluxe (05:06)
  4. Softie (04:15)
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[Label: Bedouin | Cat#: BDNBOXSET001]
  1. Allison Chanic – Painlessly In Love (Lakker Remix) (10:40)
  2. Imugem Orihasam – It Ain’t Assertion When Only What They Have Scope To Make It (Eomac Remix) (05:44)
  3. Dez Williams – Acid Bath (05:39)
  4. Ekman – The Consciousness Of An Anthropic Mechanism (06:25)
  5. J. Tijn – Shy (05:00)
  6. Imaginary Forces – Council Flat (Roly Porter Burning Light Version) (06:04)
  7. Hieroglyphic Being & The Truth Theory Trio – Keep Your Mind Open (12:36)
  8. Healing Force Project – WayWard Flow (07:31)
  9. Bintus – Reincarnated Savage (04:56)
  10. Eomac – Same Heart, Same Breath, Same Life, Same Death (05:28)
  11. Ryo Murakami – Sun (03:12)
  12. Constantine Skourlis – Cosmos (15:15)
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[Label: Forgot Imprint | Cat#: FOGDIGI8]
  1. Anxiety Support Group – Goodbye Forever (36:44)
  2. Slink – Persona Problems (28:58)
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[Label: Optimo Music | Cat#: OMT002]
  1. Untitled (44:58)
  2. Untitled (44:56)
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[Label: Erased Tapes | Cat#: ERATP147]
  1. Monster (10:11)
  2. I Like (02:08)
  3. Hands (05:19)
  4. Pulses of Information (04:07)
  5. Noise Call and Response I (04:21)
  6. Overflow (05:36)
  7. The Cloud Oracle (03:28)
  8. Tension in the Cloud (03:36)
  9. Noise Call and Response II (08:37)
  10. Scanning (04:27)
  11. Flow State (11:54)
  12. Touches Everything (05:04)
  13. Making Sense of it All (03:09)
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[Label: Janushoved | Cat#: 141]
  1. Vestiges Of Nature (04:50)
  2. Stronger Together (04:39)
  3. Bid On Rescue (04:10)
  4. Evian (02:48)
  5. Birds Of Paradise (04:25)
  6. Deeper Modus (06:13)
  7. Unison (03:28)
  8. The Sun Is Red (05:33)
  9. A World Only Visible Through Song (04:42)
  10. Lament For The Great Barrier Reef (04:03)
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[Label: Delsin | Cat#: DSREEVO007]
  1. Gong 603 (06:14)
  2. Promiza (07:30)
  3. Tin Rain (05:57)
  4. Dayszoom (05:08)
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[Label: Antimateria Sonora | Cat#: AS013]
  1. Stargates (05:16)
  2. Quantum Gravity (04:35)
  3. Event Horizon (06:37)
  4. Warp Drive (08:31)
  5. Spooky Actions (05:47)
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[Label: ㇹ | Cat#: ㇹ001]
  1. Dirt Under Your Nails (01:04)
  2. Lieve (03:34)
  3. Absolutes (02:22)
  4. Heartrendering (04:03)
  5. Up Heave (02:01)
  6. Whatever You Are You’re Not Mine (03:09)
  7. Groundless (03:41)
  8. Refuse (02:59)
  9. Shudder (04:29)
  10. Bough Down (03:38)
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[Label: Kynant | Cat#: KYNX002]
  1. Thunder (01:33)
  2. Track 3 (Live Edit) (03:28)
  3. Compass (03:44)
  4. Punch (04:20)
  5. Thunder (Kamau Remix) (03:47)
  6. Punch / Fast (Pinch Remix) (03:28)
  7. Kid (01:54)
  8. Fast (03:27)
  9. Solo (02:15)
  10. Finale (03:38)
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[Label: enmossed | Cat#: ENMX-15]
  1. Side A (45:00)
  2. Side B (44:07)
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[Label: Ritual Acquaintance | Cat#: RAQ002]
  1. Closer To A Way (05:05)
  2. Telewhirl (06:24)
  3. Pigments In The Air (09:20)
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[Label: Deep Medi Musik | Cat#: MEDI119]
  1. Mind Control (05:08)
  2. Emergence (04:58)
  3. Stronghold (04:15)
  4. Armada Bleeps (04:37)
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[Label: Ghostly International | Cat#: GI-235]
  1. Unfurled (09:20)
  2. Unfurled (Loscil Remix) (05:07)
  3. Unfurled (Markus Guentner Remix) (07:06)
  4. Unfurled (Biosphere Remix) (09:01)
  5. Unfurled (Bvdub’s ‘Prisms Of Palaces’ Rework) (06:15)
  6. Unfurled (Yagya Remix) (07:04)
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[Label: Astral Industries | Cat#: AI-27]
  1. Side A (24:01)
  2. Side B (23:50)
  3. Side C (24:24)
  4. Side D (24:51)
  5. Side E (18:31)
  6. Side F (24:05)
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[Label: Ilian Tape | Cat#: ITLP010]
  1. Tonic (04:49)
  2. Twilight Transmissions (02:37)
  3. Forest Of Whispers (04:41)
  4. Siren’s Call (04:44)
  5. Spectre’s Bonfire (05:48)
  6. Cauldron (04:05)
  7. Gleam (03:30)
  8. Smoke & Mirrors (05:03)
  9. Dancing Vapours (05:26)
  10. Grotto (04:22)
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[Label: Ilian Tape | Cat#: ITBS003]
  1. Funk 4L (03:20)
  2. Business Meeting (03:38)
  3. Insatiable (03:52)
  4. Say It To Me (03:52)
  5. Ridiculous (04:29)
  6. Date Night (04:46)
  7. Memphis (05:40)
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[Label: Something Happening, Somewhere | Cat#: 030]
  1. In Blue Light (04:21)
  2. I’ve Been Watching (05:38)
  3. Nia (04:59)
  4. Vigilantes (05:09)
  5. Nia (Alonzo’s 305Bass Mix) (04:59)
  6. Vigilantes (Violet Remix) (05:13)
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