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‘Album’ Category

[Label: Kaer’Uiks | Cat#: KRX051]
  1. A:rth [duul] (06:14)
  2. F.rr.t-Cer (09:25)
  3. (06:44)
  4. Gr nul;te (08:01)
  5. Taic-parrans (05:52)
  6. F-Sigm. (07:49)
  7. Aeu.’qs-1065 (06:24)
  8. zd.III (05:42)
  9. M/lihtg (05:15)
  10. A:rth (04:48)
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[Label: Youth | Cat#: YOCD14]
  1. Xerxes (03:44)
  2. Senecan Way (03:46)
  3. Pleux (06:26)
  4. SHA-256 (06:34)
  5. Pattern Recognition (05:48)
  6. Tactical Vest (04:54)
  7. Slow Parallax (05:41)
  8. Volume Mesh (03:01)
  9. First Sighting (08:03)
  10. Shrine (05:15)
  11. Video Drawing (04:16)
  12. Unzen (01:48)
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[Label: 99cts | Cat#: 99CTS_013]
  1. Moonboots (04:32)
  2. Elsewhere (03:53)
  3. Can’t Play (03:38)
  4. Digital Drumz (04:55)
  5. Shock Filter Break (05:04)
  6. Smoker Friends (UFO) (04:40)
  7. No Down (02:25)
  8. Extendo (04:38)
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[Label: Lith Dolina | Cat#: LITH5]
  1. Pearl 2 (05:18)
  2. Pearl 3 (05:43)
  3. Chartreuse 8 (06:07)
  4. Chartreuse 12 (03:55)
  5. Crimson 6 (07:06)
  6. Crimson 9 (05:22)
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[Label: NN | Cat#: NN41]
  1. White Hole 1 [Opening Scene] (02:01)
  2. Overflow [Main Theme] (06:27)
  3. DMT Reality [The Door Opens] (04:51)
  4. Chaos Impuls [Parallel Dimension] (04:11)
  5. Home Sweet Home [The Return] (10:02)
  6. Dither (Sharpened) [Night Drive Scene] (06:47)
  7. Traumsequenz [Romantica] (10:13)
  8. Neue Donau [Kubrickian Flashback] (02:26)
  9. Sound [Physicality Sequence] (06:12)
  10. Transhuman Melody [Breakthrough Scene] (05:26)
  11. Dense [Closing Scene] (05:58)
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[Label: Night Defined | Cat#: NDWAXLP03]
  1. J.C.’s State Fair (01:57)
  2. A Finite Sequence Of Defined Computer Implementable Instructions (05:23)
  3. Particular Conditions That Someone Is In A Specific Time In Use To Indicate A Position On A Diagram (01:28)
  4. An Informal Contraction Of A Material Universe (07:21)
  5. Field I: (infringe or go beyond the bounds of a moral principle or other established standard of behavior) (01:10)
  6. To The Same Extent I Execute (04:59)
  7. Field II: (infringe or go beyond the bounds of a moral principle or other established standard of behavior) (00:57)
  8. Afta Mi Till Dem Di Soil (09:32)
  9. Field III: (infringe or go beyond the bounds of a moral principle or other established standard of behavior) (02:24)
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[Label: PAN | Cat#: PAN122]
  1. Worries In The Dance (27:58)
  2. Surmonde (there’s an angel in your bedroom) (13:18)
  3. BEG 4 MERCY (30:02)
  4. Untitled (Dwayne) (11:07)
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[Label: Optic Portal | Cat#: OP001]
  1. Hymn To Orlandre (07:36)
  2. Reiatsu (05:28)
  3. Mechanus (06:49)
  4. Wings Of Ra (05:13)
  5. Sirens Of Styx (06:23)
  6. Element (04:59)
  7. Wards (04:50)
  8. Void’s Crossing (04:52)
  9. The Calm (09:00)
  10. Flash Step (06:10)
  11. Contrast (08:01)
  12. Forces (08:36)
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[Label: 宀 | Cat#: MIHN003]
  1. Tres (06:48)
  2. Hypnopompic (06:13)
  3. Guld (07:12)
  4. Nio (06:42)
  5. Indrik (05:15)
  6. Jurmo (07:46)
  7. Eroi (06:30)
  8. TGV (07:35)
  9. Guld (Laughing Ears Remix) (05:36)
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[Label: Transatlantic | Cat#: TAR015]
  1. Ultranova (04:42)
  2. Exoteric (03:57)
  3. Hitherto (05:44)
  4. Crater Edge (02:16)
  5. Skybox (05:01)
  6. Maziora (05:20)
  7. Glazed (04:24)
  8. Raytraced (02:51)
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[Label: Giegling | Cat#: GIEGLINGLP12]
  1. Stranded (02:30)
  2. Blue Moon (07:16)
  3. November (06:05)
  4. Jacob’s Ladder (07:12)
  5. Sky Scraping (06:37)
  6. Epiphany (01:48)
  7. Wings (06:16)
  8. The Dream (06:42)
  9. Passage (02:33)
  10. Hamburg (06:22)
  11. Diver (05:08)
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[Label: Expanding Vision | Cat#: EV001]
  1. Untitled (06:56)
  2. Untitled (06:20)
  3. Untitled (05:54)
  4. Untitled (06:01)
  5. Untitled (05:29)
  6. Untitled (06:14)
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[Label: Lapsus | Cat#: LPS33D]
  1. Storm Mother (03:40)
  2. Solo (05:47)
  3. Lo-Theory (05:13)
  4. Coco Melon (02:05)
  5. Return to Yourself (05:41)
  6. Medi (02:50)
  7. Poly Ballad (02:06)
  8. Peak Flow (03:22)
  9. Embers (03:27)
  10. Spirit Owl (02:56)
  11. Open Mode (05:43)
  12. Subtle Thoughts (02:45)
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[Label: Modern Obscure Music | Cat#: MOMA002]
  1. Deformed Pearl (06:06)
  2. Deep Sea Diva (05:54)
  3. Gem Stones (05:37)
  4. Keel (05:12)
  5. Re (04:47)
  6. Boreas (05:25)
  7. Extension (04:26)
  8. Royal Flush (05:50)
  9. Spinner (05:44)
  10. Nacre (06:04)
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[Label: WéMè | Cat#: WeMe073]
  1. BWARBLER2 (02:11)
  2. STUPID2 (04:20)
  3. MAUCIOLE (03:28)
  4. LAZAG (02:26)
  5. URTENLET (03:47)
  6. HYVISH (03:37)
  7. Accident3 (04:47)
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[Label: Oath | Cat#: OATH007]
  1. QQQ (06:08)
  2. L7 Dream (07:41)
  3. Rivers Of Absence (02:30)
  4. Gem (05:35)
  5. Too Far (02:49)
  6. XX Blues (05:31)
  7. Swaying (02:22)
  8. Slide Through The Valley (08:09)
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[Label: C.A.N.V.A.S. | Cat#: CANVAS013]
  1. Bone Theory (04:17)
  2. Benevolent World Exploder (04:32)
  3. Aqua Tofana (03:27)
  4. Hyperfixate For Me (03:52)
  5. Strawberry Online (03:27)
  6. I Wed My Shadow (03:49)
  7. Ophanim Plushie (04:31)
  8. Threnody For The Child Of Omelas (06:30)
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[Label: INDEX | Cat#: INDEX011]
  1. The Lower (06:11)
  2. Maiolica (05:31)
  3. Pyxis Glint (04:33)
  4. Delft (03:49)
  5. Palm Slick (03:38)
  6. Sinews (05:49)
  7. Lilted Song (05:13)
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[Label: Rad Cult | Cat#: RACU48]
  1. The Black Album (02:53)
  2. Bitch Ass Moon (03:04)
  3. We’re There (04:20)
  4. Palmveo (03:15)
  5. Giff Breed (03:01)
  6. Cupid Dioxide (01:17)
  7. Dustman (03:13)
  8. Cercerave (04:46)
  9. Intimacy Coordinator (03:10)
  10. Get Yourself Away (03:20)
  11. Spiritualities (04:18)
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[Label: Holding Hands | Cat#: HHANDS022R]
  1. Fresh One (CaLMCee remix) (07:49)
  2. Fresh One (Shli remix) (06:31)
  3. Fresh One (Stolen Laptop remix) (04:39)
  4. Fresh One (SDS MAX Hammer Drill remix) (04:57)
  5. Fresh One (Hunter Starkings remix) (04:59)
  6. Fresh One (Sosti remix) (06:58)
  7. Fresh One (Laudrup remix) (05:34)
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[Label: Avenue 66 | Cat#: AVE66-18D]
  1. WHAtADAYray (09:13)
  2. moTORjungleCITY (05:58)
  3. stepCLASSixMOtor (07:13)
  4. apolloTHING (04:23)
  5. TROPyCALLhytsrIA (07:12)
  6. geminiMINIMA (05:56)
  7. nubJA (03:06)
  8. ROCKetPOCK@ (06:25)
  9. kngs&QUNS (03:35)
  10. What endingENDs (04:21)
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[Label: Music From Memory | Cat#: MFM061]
  1. Awakenin (03:00)
  2. Foggi (03:26)
  3. Mille Et Une Nuits (04:11)
  4. Chantilli (04:04)
  5. Smooshi (04:03)
  6. Megafauna (04:22)
  7. Égrégores (03:49)
  8. Fly To Me (03:53)
  9. Nightquest (04:15)
  10. Afloat (03:04)
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[Label: Micron Audio | Cat#: MCR00006LP]
  1. Serotonin (04:50)
  2. Straight Up Cyborg (04:43)
  3. Star Chart (04:58)
  4. Silicon Romance (03:20)
  5. Potential (04:32)
  6. Wire Act (04:41)
  7. Binarycoven (04:43)
  8. NWO (03:11)
  9. Mindless (04:25)
  10. Counter Surveillance (03:53)
  11. LR001 (03:30)
  12. It’s All Connected (04:46)
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[Label: Daisart | Cat#: deis11]
  1. 6am (Iris Mix) (03:25)
  2. Lily Pad (04:19)
  3. Low Western (08:42)
  4. Dog Days (03:57)
  5. Meeting And Partings (07:42)
  6. Meshing (03:48)
  7. Syntropy (04:26)
  8. Yves Body Painting (03:40)
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[Label: Ilian Tape | Cat#: ITLP13]
  1. Procession De L’Esprit (06:48)
  2. Dans Le Cadre Du Relief (06:56)
  3. Déplacement De La Surface (05:53)
  4. Le Réveil Du Combattant (08:44)
  5. Fluctuation Languide (03:53)
  6. Hypothèse D’Hypnose (11:01)
  7. Représentation Des Éléments (05:30)
  8. Les Chemins De L’Inconnu (04:35)
  9. Suspension Mécanique (06:09)
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[Label: MAL | Cat#: MAL004]
  1. Through Beaked Fog Horns (04:33)
  2. Body Traffic (05:37)
  3. Moss Spines Clenched (04:34)
  4. Tense Branches Waver (03:18)
  5. Cornered Into Sleat (06:35)
  6. Bri Dun (05:59)
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[Label: WWWOMB | Cat#: none]
  1. Galatea (03:22)
  2. Dream (03:06)
  3. Kitten (03:31)
  4. Pearlescent (01:49)
  5. Ottoline (03:52)
  6. Ophelia (03:57)
  7. Aster Crucis (02:50)
  8. Cupid’s Kiss (02:47)
  9. Chariot (01:28)
  10. Snowsong (02:31)
  11. Bewitched (03:10)
  12. Divinity (02:34)
  13. End (04:29)
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[Label: Astrophonica | Cat#: APHA0860]
  1. 0860 (06:00)
  2. Buzzing Crew (04:48)
  3. Booyaka Style (04:19)
  4. Telepathy (06:01)
  5. First Aid Kit (06:25)
  6. Blaze (05:30)
  7. From The Very Top (05:16)
  8. Kinda Late For A Sunday Night (05:36)
  9. 0860 Mixtape (58:06)
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[Label: Haunter | Cat#: HR032]
  1. Nox (08:35)
  2. Another’s Concept (08:20)
  3. Auspex (06:21)
  4. H.F. Damping (05:47)
  5. Angel’s Share (08:00)
  6. K:1 Mode (07:18)
  7. Zeal (06:30)
  8. Off A Soft Surface (05:57)
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[Label: NAKID | Cat#: NKD06]
  1. MT-DMZ (05:47)
  2. MT-STM (05:53)
  3. MT-ZN1 (07:46)
  4. MT-BZSR (02:11)
  5. MT-SS1 (07:02)
  6. MT-AUTC (05:55)
  7. MT-RWV (02:11)
  8. MT-ZUC (05:39)
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[Label: Touch | Cat#: TONE18D]
  1. a place where sunflowers grow (11:10)
  2. there is no moment in which they are not with me (09:32)
  3. a trickle led to a quiet pool, where still black water reflected the night sky (09:06)
  4. here comes a candle to light you to bed (12:18)
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[Label: Room 40 | Cat#: DRM4147]
  1. All My Friends & Family (04:10)
  2. Brood (06:44)
  3. Brief Associations (02:26)
  4. 1993 (04:38)
  5. We Should Be Kind, While There Is Still Time (06:37)
  6. Walking With Stilts (04:34)
  7. Ring It In (02:26)
  8. Counting To 10 (08:14)
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[Label: 3XL | Cat#: 3XL05]
  1. Song (02:02)
  2. Gloss (02:46)
  3. Popping Out (02:28)
  4. Marina (02:19)
  5. Creepy Girl (03:02)
  6. Sad Face (03:12)
  7. Indoor Type (01:50)
  8. Blush (03:33)
  9. For Your Love (02:56)
  10. Scrubby (01:42)
  11. 11 (02:33)
  12. Egg (02:41)
  13. Macys (03:57)
  14. Foam Angel (04:28)
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[Label: Stroboscopic Artefacts | Cat#: SALP011]
  1. Pendulum (05:45)
  2. Lost Conductor (06:30)
  3. Wishing Well (05:18)
  4. Tunnel (07:02)
  5. Intracluster (02:17)
  6. Stars (05:51)
  7. The End Of Words (06:39)
  8. Filament (03:50)
  9. Pray (05:45)
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[Label: Warp | Cat#: WARP356]
  1. Perspex (03:02)
  2. Modenet (03:55)
  3. Wondergan (04:21)
  4. C.A. (03:06)
  5. Cwtchr (04:55)
  6. Nightcrawler (03:59)
  7. Bowl (04:45)
  8. Return To Return (02:24)
  9. Tomason (03:34)
  10. Wide I’s (04:22)
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[Label: City Slang | Cat#: SLANG50425]
  1. Swimmer (01:35)
  2. The Dream (04:18)
  3. The Corner (03:41)
  4. The Want (03:47)
  5. I’ve Felt Better (Than I Do Now) (04:21)
  6. Plastic Future (05:37)
  7. New Days (03:42)
  8. I Spiral (02:23)
  9. Arima (03:10)
  10. Chrome (03:45)
  11. Joni’s Room (03:18)
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[Label: The Trilogy Tapes | Cat#: TTT102]
  1. Bassline (06:26)
  2. Shred (08:31)
  3. Voice Of The Spider (09:04)
  4. Pink Mist (06:49)
  5. Mandarin (02:29)
  6. Would You Like A Vampire (08:03)
  7. Storm Rips Banana Tree (19:54)
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[Label: Candy Mountain | Cat#: CaMo001]
  1. Irreversible Cessation (06:20)
  2. Alternation Of High And Low (04:37)
  3. Primary Chaos (05:29)
  4. North Facing Shade (05:14)
  5. Tragedy Turns To Comedy (05:00)
  6. The Red Hunter (05:23)
  7. Agent Of Change (05:30)
  8. Individuals From All Walks (05:38)
  9. South Facing Brightness (05:33)
  10. Lasting Lovers (04:38)
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[Label: Pressure | Cat#: PRESH018]
  1. Soaked To The Skin (07:03)
  2. Flushed Away (05:21)
  3. Sewerbait (05:24)
  4. Cruiser (05:29)
  5. Crawler (05:27)
  6. In The Drain (06:52)
  7. Gutter Level (06:21)
  8. Washed Up (06:43)
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[Label: Smalltown Supersound | Cat#: STS411LP]
  1. At The Crest (08:56)
  2. Sun In C (09:10)
  3. Fragmented Dreams (07:15)
  4. Water Stains (15:06)
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btc: 329GcGZ4UWMzstC6CH3TPoNfANkFaA9SSA | thanks

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