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Pearson Sound / Raindrops [2014]

[Label: Pearson Sound | Cat#: PEARS7]
  1. Raindrops pt. I (2:19)
  2. Raindrops pt. II (2:39)


  1. Hannibal February 4, 2014

    I keep hoping he will make a decent track again.

  2. custard. February 4, 2014

    Yeah. Essentially a straight rip off of Arovane’s ‘Minth/Neel’ on City Cebtre Offices from a few years back.
    Should be ashamed of yourself man……

  3. Hannibal February 4, 2014

    I don’t know why I give so much of a shit, it just seems like he carved out a nice niche for himself just so he could do whatever plodding (derivative) bullshit later. I would use this as a plate if I bought it.

  4. Wook February 5, 2014

    I like it.

  5. panes February 5, 2014

    why is it that as Ramadanman he was so much better

    • The Leuge February 5, 2014

      It’s the cycle of fan feedback.
      Real fans of good music tend to be reserved, the crass people are louder, and they always like the worst track. Haven’t you seen this on mainstream sites? The worst song is the favorite of the masses…? Because it is easy to grasp with monkey-mind.
      Then the artist sees this popularity and thinks: Gee, I guess I should do more lousy songs like that one. And he does, and even more stupid people go: “All right”!!
      But of course, by then, he has lost his first love, his original fans. :( tears and sadness…
      This is “the devil” in the details of the music scene.
      And this is why we should all pray every day for for you favorite musician, that he or she would not suffer the love of fools.

      • Abe February 5, 2014

        yea, totally agree with you. I used to buy records because of the popular/well reviewed “A” side, just to realize that “B” side was much better and not receiving any love.

  6. monger February 6, 2014

    i stuck a stylus in my ass once

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