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Fis / Homologous [2013]

[Label: Tri Angle | Cat#: TRIANGLE21]
  1. Magister Nunns (4:07)
  2. DMT Usher (4:49)
  3. Mildew Swoosh (5:53)
  4. CE Visions (4:22)


  1. annie November 18, 2013

    omg this is great. pure lush.
    also needed: kerridge – a fallen empire.

  2. Kiwi November 18, 2013

    Thank you! This is actually the Preparations EP, though.

  3. zzz November 19, 2013

    yall fuckin up!

  4. Chuck Leauge November 19, 2013

    Why has it all gone dark?

  5. Chuck Leauge November 19, 2013

    Who’s after us?

  6. Che Ernesto Borgnine November 19, 2013

    Who’s doing this? Who’s killing us? Robbing us of light and life, mocking us with the sight of what we might have known.

  7. Pvt. Witt November 19, 2013

    nice . . . Thin Red Line.

  8. Mr. Blobby November 19, 2013

    …Thin Red Line + UNKLE’s Never, Never Land

  9. p November 20, 2013

    Come on Nodata, get your shit together.

  10. bobbie November 20, 2013

    Who broke the interwebs?

  11. Che Ernesto Borgnine November 20, 2013

    Quite frankly, some other sites have been scooping nodata for a while now; I recommend and in particular.

    • Wally Krunkite November 20, 2013

      SSSSHHH! You want to break _everything?_

      • Chuck Leauge November 21, 2013

        I agree. It’s nice to give everyone a tip, but it’s also bad form to post the competition on nodata.

    • p November 20, 2013

      Nodata is no different, they scoop ALL of their music.

      • i! November 21, 2013

        dont forget flunk ain’t fresh enough lately

        • Chuck Leauge November 21, 2013

          You have to join and pay glorybeats

          • bongo fury November 21, 2013

            not really. only if you want faster downloading

    • vampire helper November 21, 2013

      israbox sucks. really sucks.

    • § November 22, 2013

  12. Che Ernesto Borgnine November 20, 2013

    Aw, dammit!

  13. braaaain November 20, 2013

    The emporer’s new clothes.

  14. Sonico November 21, 2013

    We miss you Nodata, You’re our best friend

  15. Mr. Blobby November 21, 2013

    at least there’s time now to listen to all this music…

  16. warped November 21, 2013

    First Obamacare, then NoData…where are all the good tech guys?

  17. lil johnny November 21, 2013

    FLAC? thanks.

    • Chuck Leauge November 22, 2013

      Oh, yes. Flac please…
      Very funny, lil jhonny!

  18. § November 22, 2013

    ahahah that’s classic! & true

  19. Atreyu November 22, 2013

    Please Nodata don’t give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. SNups November 22, 2013


    • i! November 22, 2013

      Dear Jeebus, by the power of your glory and omnipotent miracle swag, raise this young blog from the dead, breathe life into her Lord, we give you all the praise. – Big Neech

  21. lil johnny November 22, 2013

    what cd

  22. dog November 23, 2013

    everyone needs naps sometimes

  23. the ghost of michael jackson November 23, 2013



  24. bitchassnigga November 23, 2013

    i need u nodata, please dont let this be it, not now, not like this

  25. sharon November 23, 2013

    <3 here. forever and ever

  26. Changbang November 23, 2013

    R.I.P Nodata

  27. Chuck Leauge November 23, 2013

    Hey, everyone! Lets all keep meeting here for the next 5 years (God willing we’re all still alive then), until we have left 500 posts under this little un-assuming Fis album. Then, future scientists will say: “This was very smile music”.

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