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Twit One / Urlaub In Der Bredouille [2013]

[Label: Entbs | Cat#: entLP030]
  1. Black Hoodies (2:11)
  2. Geteertundgefedert (3:01)
  3. Ramy Kommt (1:14)
  4. Get Kater (1:45)
  5. Soon You’ll See (2:33)
  6. Nara (0:57)
  7. Donuthin’ (2:31)
  8. Onkel R. Outro (1:14)
  9. Zzz Zzz Zzz (3:36)
  10. Flurrrmingos (1:40)
  11. Niedertracht (3:16)
  12. Piñata (1:35)
  13. Die Ewigen Jagdgründe (2:19)
  14. All Night/All Day (2:17)
  15. Einerfürdenregen (1:02)
  16. Cul De Sac (0:48)
  17. Thai Wallah (2:00)
  18. Alhambra (1:33)
  19. Trüffel & Säue (2:43)
  20. Tellawescha (1:47)
  21. Kanonenfutter (1:01)
  22. Zülpicher Blues Pt. 2 (0:48)
  23. Thot (2:00)
  24. Beat3708 (1:30)
  25. The Chase (1:38)
  26. Schnorrbert’s Outro (1:27)
  27. Einerfürdiesonneunddiewolken (1:23)
  28. Crystalmettbrötchen (3:32)
  29. Haltungsbrille (0:50)
  30. Singaporeslingskit (0:42)
  31. B.A.Schabracus (1:24)
  32. Turban (2:45)
  33. Smokerings (1:14)
  34. Onda (3:23)
  35. Hypno (2:00)


  1. FakeMoonLanding October 29, 2013

    Seems worth checking out… could tossed a few more tracks in there tho*


  2. arcofdoves October 29, 2013

    You’ve obviously never seen a beat tape before?

  3. herman October 30, 2013

    that’s really great stuff

  4. freimaurer November 1, 2013

    außerordentlich lecker.

  5. hansen November 3, 2013

    really nice

  6. Musselman December 10, 2013

    Wow! Very much my kind of thing. Happy I’ve stumbled accross that. Lazy, Jazzy, Soulful atmospheric hip-hop with weird noise and scratches added on a la Luke Vibert. Reminiscent of the good stuff from Chinese Man, Nobody or Wax Tailor… Any recommandations on more like these most welcomed !

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