01. The Last Voices
02. The Last Voices (Beat Mix)
03. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
04. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
05. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
06. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
07. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
08. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
09. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
10. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
11. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
12. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
13. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
14. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
15. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
16. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
17. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
18. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
19. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
20. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
21. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
22. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
23. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
24. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
25. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
26. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
27. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
28. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
29. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
30. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
31. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
32. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
33. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
34. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
35. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
36. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
37. Untitled (Mini tracks Mix)
Read somewhere this chick was Celer’s girlfriend.
Or at least frequent collaborator?
wife. she passed away recently too :(
and to be more precise, she was one half of celer
It was his wife and ‘they’ were Celer before her passing.
yeah, what iceland said.
I am so sorry to here that.
When I went to her site last year, I think it was, I read some posts saying how much she was missed, but did not understand why.
Her art installation piece, “On Burnt, Gauzed Wings” has always been a great favorite of mine, & I use it quite frequently for personal mixing projects at home. Otherwise, I have more of a Celer collection.
Thank you for the explanation.
P.s.: The photo on the jacket looks as if she is sitting in an area of Portland, near my home. Did she have anything to do with Portland? Just curious.
P.P.S.: Actually, I meant to say that her very exceptional piece, the one that rivals Music for Airports (for beauty & stateliness), and is quite adaptable for mixing is: “The Stairway of Abstraction”.
hey indrid any chance u can upload stairway of abstraction? sounds gorgeous, but i can’t find a link for it anywhere. would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for this!
Chubby Wolf was Danielle Baquet-Long (1982-2009). As of 2013, 100% of profits made from Chubby Wolf digital sales will be donated directly to Unicef, on a quarterly cycle.
I would love to share “Stairway of Abstraction”, but in this one case it would be wrong to do so.
However, it is alive and well on Bandcamp! :)
ah, good point. i’m going to buy a bunch of albums from her website this week, including this one :)
An hour and twenty four minutes well spent. Thoughtfully composed. Inspiring stuff.