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Lee Gamble / Diversions 1994-1996 [2012]

Side A:
1. Pandemonium Institute
2. Emu
3. M25 Echo
4. Razor

Side B:
5. Helicopter
6. Digbeth
7. DTI
8. 3,4 Synthetics
9. Dollis Hill
10. Rufige


  1. anon November 3, 2012

    Big thanks for this one!

  2. Bill Kouligas November 3, 2012

    Please remove all the download links and take down the page immediately. thanks, Bill Kouligas – PAN

    • Kill Bouligas November 4, 2012

      Hey Bill,
      Music is a sound, sounds are waves, ears are catching those waves, you can’t control what’s invisible. Don’t be a fucking Don Quixote, you won’t win against the people will. In fact, many people will discover something from your underground label, and probably buy it, or see shows after. You have a label, you ain’t shit, if you refuse that people are getting your stuff free. You think you are cool, you’re an artist. But you aren’t. An artist showing is work is not being stolen, he wins, he gets viewings.

      As read on your page:
      “Lee Gamble started out as a teenager dj-ing on pirate radio and on the emerging Jungle scene, however his own approach to music has taken a more experimental direction.”

      And now he’s a jerk off giving is work in the hands of people who only care about $. Pirate my ass.

      Ps: your artwork suck.

    • Kill Bouligas November 4, 2012

      Everything is limited on your page, wow, how can we get it ? fucking so called artist hipster shit.

  3. Acéphale November 5, 2012

    @killbillkouligas – One day you’ll stop crying, you’ll wake up and your music won’t be shit and you won’t have all these EMO hang-ups. It’ll be a big day for you, you’ll feel like a man. Maybe you can wank yourself off happy to your own music then, instead of cry-wanking over PAN releases…

  4. mtrcyclhlmt November 5, 2012

    I came across your music via this very post..I will be playing this music to many people who share the same taste, can’t be a bad thing really. It’s a massive compliment that people want to share and promote your music in the first place. People are going to share your music for free via the internet. You can either accept this, embrace it and use the exposure to your advantage or you can shit your pants and make yourself look like a dweeb. Respect for the music. kthnxbye

  5. ejlif November 6, 2012

    Please Re-upload this if you can. Thanks.

  6. moist November 9, 2012

    file sharing is the same as promotion, when are you record label idiots going to work that out.

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