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Robert Hampson / Répercussions [2012]

[Label: Editions Mego | Catalogue Number: eMEGO 132]
  1. Répercussions (20:01)
  2. De La Terre À La Lune (25:00)
  3. Antarctica Ends Here (9:34)
[DF] [FF] [TB] [FR]


  1. robert hampson May 28, 2012

    Thank you for stealing my music, I really appreciate it. Take it down!

    • ¥¥¥ May 28, 2012

      Répercussions is three distinct pieces compiled into one album: the title track, commissioned by the GRM for the Akousma Festival in 2011; “De la Terre à la Lune,” from a 2009 planetarium performance in France, & finally “Antarctica Ends Here,” which was previously released on a split 10″ with Cindytalk.
      Robert Hampson seems to be active in occasional spurts of activity, & every time he has released music, it has been brilliant. From Vectors a few years back to this album, & of course including his expansive discographies as Main & with Loop, I have yet to hear anything other than genius from him. Given that the first two pieces were originally multi-channel installations, I am certain it only adds to its greatness.
      Consider… I own & enjoy albums by Cindytalk (going back to ’91), Main, Loop, & have Brainwashed on my Favorites Bookmarks. Yet, I almost passed you by because I do not know you. Here I am. Your target audience. And I almost skipped this post simply because I do not know you.
      It may be a small consolation, but consider the new fan base you may acquire by opening up your boarders. Doing so would also help for touring. You know, all P.R. is good P.R.

      • Wee Jimmy Crankie May 29, 2012

        Ah shurrup, we’ve had enough you knob-end.

  2. Peter Rehberg May 28, 2012

    Robert is right. Take this down.
    Stop stealing his and other peoples music.
    This release is available at all good stores both physically and digitally June 11th.
    No need to bootleg it here.

    Peter Rehberg / Editions Mego

  3. ¥¥¥ May 28, 2012

    P.s.: This is awesome! On par with Coil’s “Time Machines”, or the new releases by Ben Vida and Frank Bretschneider.

  4. paul kendall May 28, 2012

    you are not supplying a service, you are nothing more than common thieves.

  5. grunty May 28, 2012

    So people coming here to complain that this is stealing is still a thing? Really, had anyone heard of this herb before this popped up here? Sigh.

  6. bambi May 29, 2012

    Internet is the new radio and radio is gone. Piracy is the new radio; it’s how music gets around. Record companies make bad business decisions because they are music people who live in an old reality. Record companies are obsolete. Arrogance, exclusivity and object fetishism are the primary objectives of boutique labels such as editions Mego and they no longer have a place in the new reality.

    • blacksock May 29, 2012

      note to peter at mego. Maybe if you didn’t charge $20+ for a regular slab of vinyl people would buy the record. Here it is happening again gouging people for an item that should retail for $10, I have no sympathy for these “fancy art” labels. And by the way haswell and florian suck and you charge the most for them and their art gallery noise. I buy lots of records but not at megos prices. You guys are shooting yourselves in the foot.

  7. George May 29, 2012

    1. You can´t listen to the album on the website of its own label.
    2. The artist himself does not seem to update his own website.
    3. The artist is neither on Soundcloud nor on Bandcamp
    3. The album is not on iTunes
    4. The album is not on
    5. You can´t listen to the album on boomkat right now.

    So many missed opportunities, and now you even spoil your record with starting this discussion, I´m not even in the mood any more to listen to it (no, not even for free, and yes, i bought a lot of stuff i´ve only discovered here).

  8. ^^ May 29, 2012

    I was intrigued by this quarreling and looked up the “artist” on youtube. I checked a couple of videos from a previous band and couldn’t even finish watching. Shitty lame drone crap trying to pass as trendy. Won’t be dling this, don’t worry, label people.

  9. solo May 30, 2012

    it’s always these lame artists who no-one gives a shit about complaining. ffs, i have never heard of this dickwad, and i certainly won’t be downloading this.

  10. anton June 9, 2012

    Is it really so hard to respect the wishes of the both the artist and the label owner ? Whilst we might all download music the reality is leaking an album before it comes out can hurt the little sales that do exist. How else do you think these musicians keep making music and these indie labels keep putting stuff out from artists who have been making music for decades ?

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