holy shit, just listened to the whole thing. It is ridiculously good. I can’t even understand why it’s so good. Really, not just saying that… Give it a listen!
Nite Jewel, huh? I get it… Anchorman interp of the 80s but kidding but not kidding so you’ve got all the bases covered. Wake up kids, the eighties fucking sucked! The glut of lazy cassette purist/chillwave (really? chill.. wave? I have to type that out loud?) “bands” is even more stale, safe and sexless than the dogshit they’re aping from the first time around. Steal a Birthday Party record instead.
lollings @ dude trying to impress their immense music knowledge and talk about the state of current indie when they evidently have no idea. whether you like the music or not you can’t really deny that the 80s were a ridiculously fertile decade, everything from indie pop to hardcore to house and techno to italo and hi-nrg to industrial and ebm took off in that time.
comments are fine if they’re genuinely critical but ones that just say ‘oh my god all this sucks i’m the absolute paragon of musical knowledge anyone who listens to this is below me’ because it just says more about yourself then it does about the music.
fucksake this has annoyed me. i’m not even a big fan of nite jewel but this attitude is so irritating, it just baffles me that so many people that claim to love experimental/outsider/forward thinking music can be so conservative and narrowminded. music is a beautiful and unifying thing so why do people have to believe they’re superior to it?
well what i gleamed from youtube it dont sound anything like the birthday party, heck it dont even sound 80’s nothing like DM or colourbox or something nope
more like zola jesus
nope i dont miss the point this dont sound like new order or anything from the 80’s, maybe if you didnt have such a false conception of the 80’s sound. to me its sounds like aughties 80’s revival maybe
but it dont sound like the 80’s dont sound lik Berlin dont sound like depeche mode dont sound like colourbox or even talk talk theres no fairlight on it or any emu emulator dont even sound like soft cell
its not good but it dont sound 80’s to me at all
music is subjective anyways maybe if you could point out some 80’s bands that this sounds like
heck ernie!February 15, 2012
darn it! i don’t shoun’ like the 80’s now!
Hey, I’m not here to do anything beyond crack wise. I have an opinion. Opinions are welcome here, correct(?), as you’ve just posted yours. I don’t give a shit in the grand scheme of things about music, for fucks sake. The world is on fire and music is a nice diversion. I don’t give a fuck about elitism. I love great pop music. But I do take issue with bands that recycle stale tropes (like Pearl Jam did in the 90s) and claim that they’ve just shat gold, especially in light of the ease of which anyone can produce music nowadays. If you’re going to write shitty Eighties inspired garbage on your laptop, at least own up to it. Don’t reference the worst aspects of the 1980s in your presentation out of sheer laziness. Do it like Big Black. Be original- even if you are writing pop music. Do your own shtick.
Oh come on already, get over yourself! I’m no fan of the band, but honestly, Pearl Jam just liked rock music from punk to classic rock so they tried to make some as best they could and were lucky enough that some people liked it so it sold. Maybe their fans get carried away when they describe it (fan is short for fanatic after all) but I’m pretty sure Pearl Jam never claimed any golden bowel movements.
At the end of the day, it’s just music – ya know, entertainment(!!) – you either like it or you don’t! It’s foolish to spend much time dwelling on what you don’t like and vain and rude to waste the time of others trying to convince them their opinions are wrong.
I think Pearl Jam look a lot better in retrospect, but they were pretty awful and grasping on that first record. They opened the FM rabbit hole to everything from Creed to Nickelback.
That being said, they did a lot to make up for that over the years. E-Vedd’s Into The Wild record is fantastic. That being said, I think criticism is essential. One thing that strikes me about the last decade of music is that it’s been the greatest period of innovation since 1978-1984, but also the most politically correct. Why?
Skrillex is for people who think 5 gum ads are documentaries. Skillex is for people who want to have a threeway with John Penney and Corey Feldman circa ‘Stand By Me’ if it’s okay with mom after she picks their clothes out for them.
jus go fugking suck fugging skrillbex penis ass with wipe on botty bum, u loughlyfe battomfudding trod feend. honestly, absulte basturd. i like night jowel, kiss ma arse so wot.
this bitch is for impressionable lil kids who barely know any music and have just recently started to notice that there is a world of things beyond top 40 radio…
why mus u sexism? oke notsogud muskic but i say two tuddy befrore, kiss my arse so wot. if no lyke jowel shuld shud dup no? kant belife im talkeeng 2 such speeaky bastuds; go lissun gaga or jims bleek den, sorry hipsotr arse muddafuckas.
see, here is the perfect example. this kid’s knowledge doesn’t extend beyond gaga and jimmy blake, so if i diss his beloved buzz artist, to him my only other options are those 2 other crap artists.
you need to dig deeper lil boy.
i kno plunty artists, fock u. if no lissun gaga or blike, then why nut groopa or ben frost, of whuteva. buzz artist kiss my unwipied ars, so wut, eat shit nuts foo. Alsos i not lil boy, i whole fokkung trity yars auld. kiss my craker arss speshul key usin muthfucka. oh kool, u cun say ‘diss’ you big whyt boi black ass wannabe crackrjcak lumberman. go back to 4chin or hiponion of whuteva whiteboy bord you post on sucka.
Ok, you got me, well done for digging deeper. I guess I’ll just have to cry into my degree whilst listening to Ben Frost. Aside from that, this album has improved after a couple of listens; I take back what I said about it earlier. Plus it looks like this bitch might have a fair pair beneath that lovely top she is wearing ;)
aNewFaceInHellFebruary 17, 2012
crakrjcak lumberman
wowFebruary 15, 2012
lol what a dumb comment. i like nite jewel and i have over 2,000 artists, most of them dug from extremely deep res scrobbled on my last.fm page so what now hahahaha dumb ass
Umm, anyone have anything to say about the album? I thought “Good Evening” and her singles on Italians Do It Better were top notch. Haven’t heard this yet, but what I’ve heard last it was going pretty poppy. Anyway, comments about what this actually is would be much more helpful than a bunch of dick jokes. Everyone’s trying to prove how much they know about the 80’s but to me it just sounds like they never grew up since then.
Good album…I am not hearing any 80’s references on the new Nite Jewel. I have no idea why people think this is so?? I was also teenager in the 80’s…so anyone that says the 80’s produced musical crap r usually young folks in 2012…tho I loved The Birthday Party and any Nick Cave release (yes I bought them all on vinyl when they came out) the 80’s also spewed out fab bands like Cocteau Twins, Current 93, Marc Almond, Chris & Cosey, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Diamanda Galas, Divine, Echo and the Bunnymen, Opal, Jesus and Mary Chain, Psychic TV, Strawberry Switchblad I could on and on….but the 80’s did not suck…now the 90’s is questionable lol…
I was referring to the shallow/pretentious/pop side of the Eighties that a lot of these groups rather clumsily ape.
The underground groups of the Eighties were unparalleled
in their greatness on both sides of the Atlantic,and I think
the great majority of them still hold up.
Aside from underground music, I found the culture of the period
intolerably dim-witted and tacky, with the added daily fear of nuclear war hanging overhead.
they’ll tell you they can’t help being that way, that it is OUR educational system that has failed THEM. oh well, at least this one appears to know of this great source for new music.
her sound got produced, and it did not lend itself to the charm of her first tracks. instead, it has cheapened her sound and put it through an extremely genre typifying filter. it’s unfortunate because the italians do it better tracks were fresh and exciting. this release is just boring. but of course, something completely mediocre got 50 comments because of the myriad of complete morons on here.
In 1971, he appeared as the evil magician Hoodoo in Lidsville, a psychedelically flavored live-action children’s program produced by Sid and Marty Krofft that aired on Saturday mornings on ABC. The show was about a boy who falls into a magician’s hat and enters a magical world of hat-humans. It is through these roles, as well as his playing the titular role in Uncle Croc’s Block and appearing once on Walt Disney’s The Mouse Factory, that Reilly’s voice and mannerisms were embedded in a generation of young fans.
Apparently they’re starting a forum, I’m all for it. It’ll keep the jerks off the main site hopefully. Getting kinda tired of the bad jokes and bickering.
Is there a way to report/hide comments like on youtube? I guess it’s not worth it for a site like this, but just a though. Keep up the good work nodata :)
Nite Jewel is amazing. Hot. Hot. Hot.
holy shit, just listened to the whole thing. It is ridiculously good. I can’t even understand why it’s so good. Really, not just saying that… Give it a listen!
Like a female James Blake, this is so bad I can’t understand why its up for debate, or a point of interest at all.
Nite Jewel, huh? I get it… Anchorman interp of the 80s but kidding but not kidding so you’ve got all the bases covered. Wake up kids, the eighties fucking sucked! The glut of lazy cassette purist/chillwave (really? chill.. wave? I have to type that out loud?) “bands” is even more stale, safe and sexless than the dogshit they’re aping from the first time around. Steal a Birthday Party record instead.
lollings @ dude trying to impress their immense music knowledge and talk about the state of current indie when they evidently have no idea. whether you like the music or not you can’t really deny that the 80s were a ridiculously fertile decade, everything from indie pop to hardcore to house and techno to italo and hi-nrg to industrial and ebm took off in that time.
comments are fine if they’re genuinely critical but ones that just say ‘oh my god all this sucks i’m the absolute paragon of musical knowledge anyone who listens to this is below me’ because it just says more about yourself then it does about the music.
fucksake this has annoyed me. i’m not even a big fan of nite jewel but this attitude is so irritating, it just baffles me that so many people that claim to love experimental/outsider/forward thinking music can be so conservative and narrowminded. music is a beautiful and unifying thing so why do people have to believe they’re superior to it?
well what i gleamed from youtube it dont sound anything like the birthday party, heck it dont even sound 80’s nothing like DM or colourbox or something nope
more like zola jesus
Miss the point much?
nope i dont miss the point this dont sound like new order or anything from the 80’s, maybe if you didnt have such a false conception of the 80’s sound. to me its sounds like aughties 80’s revival maybe
but it dont sound like the 80’s dont sound lik Berlin dont sound like depeche mode dont sound like colourbox or even talk talk theres no fairlight on it or any emu emulator dont even sound like soft cell
its not good but it dont sound 80’s to me at all
music is subjective anyways maybe if you could point out some 80’s bands that this sounds like
darn it! i don’t shoun’ like the 80’s now!
Hey, I’m not here to do anything beyond crack wise. I have an opinion. Opinions are welcome here, correct(?), as you’ve just posted yours. I don’t give a shit in the grand scheme of things about music, for fucks sake. The world is on fire and music is a nice diversion. I don’t give a fuck about elitism. I love great pop music. But I do take issue with bands that recycle stale tropes (like Pearl Jam did in the 90s) and claim that they’ve just shat gold, especially in light of the ease of which anyone can produce music nowadays. If you’re going to write shitty Eighties inspired garbage on your laptop, at least own up to it. Don’t reference the worst aspects of the 1980s in your presentation out of sheer laziness. Do it like Big Black. Be original- even if you are writing pop music. Do your own shtick.
Oh come on already, get over yourself! I’m no fan of the band, but honestly, Pearl Jam just liked rock music from punk to classic rock so they tried to make some as best they could and were lucky enough that some people liked it so it sold. Maybe their fans get carried away when they describe it (fan is short for fanatic after all) but I’m pretty sure Pearl Jam never claimed any golden bowel movements.
At the end of the day, it’s just music – ya know, entertainment(!!) – you either like it or you don’t! It’s foolish to spend much time dwelling on what you don’t like and vain and rude to waste the time of others trying to convince them their opinions are wrong.
I think Pearl Jam look a lot better in retrospect, but they were pretty awful and grasping on that first record. They opened the FM rabbit hole to everything from Creed to Nickelback.
That being said, they did a lot to make up for that over the years. E-Vedd’s Into The Wild record is fantastic. That being said, I think criticism is essential. One thing that strikes me about the last decade of music is that it’s been the greatest period of innovation since 1978-1984, but also the most politically correct. Why?
you mean the 70’s
mmmmm 70’s bush
By that I mean 70 year olds.
Skrillex is Dubstep for ABC Family viewers.
He was trying to say that the chick in the picture looks like Skrillex. Which is accurate.
You ruined the joke. Happy?
Oh, by the way: The new Sleigh Bells has leaked. WE NEED IT ON NODATA, NOW. IT IS SUPERIOR.
Skrillex is for virgins trying really hard to imagine what sex is like. You are late for your shift at Subway.
Skrillex is for people who think 5 gum ads are documentaries. Skillex is for people who want to have a threeway with John Penney and Corey Feldman circa ‘Stand By Me’ if it’s okay with mom after she picks their clothes out for them.
Skrillex is like an info-mercial
what the fuck has nite jewel to do with skrillex?
jus go fugking suck fugging skrillbex penis ass with wipe on botty bum, u loughlyfe battomfudding trod feend. honestly, absulte basturd. i like night jowel, kiss ma arse so wot.
NJ’S PREVIOUS JOB IN THE “ARTS”: http://dani-cole.com/galleries/dani-cole-fucks-old-guys/dani-cole-fucks-old-guys2_big.jpg
big ups to the pensioner on the right, he’s got terminal respiratory failure, yet he he has the length and girth to rest his willy on his knees
Oh man, not the botty bum again :(
Christ, I don’t know. Some dude said Skrillex apropos of nothing and I made some dumb jokes.
it bcos she luuk lyk him foo
Do you spell like that when you’re explaining to your PO why you’re allergic to careers and pussy?
Don’t say penis in this house!
this bitch is for impressionable lil kids who barely know any music and have just recently started to notice that there is a world of things beyond top 40 radio…
why mus u sexism? oke notsogud muskic but i say two tuddy befrore, kiss my arse so wot. if no lyke jowel shuld shud dup no? kant belife im talkeeng 2 such speeaky bastuds; go lissun gaga or jims bleek den, sorry hipsotr arse muddafuckas.
see, here is the perfect example. this kid’s knowledge doesn’t extend beyond gaga and jimmy blake, so if i diss his beloved buzz artist, to him my only other options are those 2 other crap artists.
you need to dig deeper lil boy.
i kno plunty artists, fock u. if no lissun gaga or blike, then why nut groopa or ben frost, of whuteva. buzz artist kiss my unwipied ars, so wut, eat shit nuts foo. Alsos i not lil boy, i whole fokkung trity yars auld. kiss my craker arss speshul key usin muthfucka. oh kool, u cun say ‘diss’ you big whyt boi black ass wannabe crackrjcak lumberman. go back to 4chin or hiponion of whuteva whiteboy bord you post on sucka.
ur dumb
Ok, you got me, well done for digging deeper. I guess I’ll just have to cry into my degree whilst listening to Ben Frost. Aside from that, this album has improved after a couple of listens; I take back what I said about it earlier. Plus it looks like this bitch might have a fair pair beneath that lovely top she is wearing ;)
crakrjcak lumberman
lol what a dumb comment. i like nite jewel and i have over 2,000 artists, most of them dug from extremely deep res scrobbled on my last.fm page so what now hahahaha dumb ass
sounds like early gloria estefan demos before she went all latin and shit
Ya nailed it, funbuddy.
funniest postings on here in a while
special shout outs to ‘penes’, ‘penes2, and ‘penes3’
The only fault I can find with those posts is the fact they were not, in fact, a group effort of male sexual organs.
Oh god yes. She finally has a follow to her debut!
People still use “New Weird America” as a genre?
Staff members at Magnet still do, no doubt. Poor fellas.
HAHA! New weird america^
Now that’s not very nice!
I can’t tell if this is a comment section or a pissing contest
would read again 10/10
Umm, anyone have anything to say about the album? I thought “Good Evening” and her singles on Italians Do It Better were top notch. Haven’t heard this yet, but what I’ve heard last it was going pretty poppy. Anyway, comments about what this actually is would be much more helpful than a bunch of dick jokes. Everyone’s trying to prove how much they know about the 80’s but to me it just sounds like they never grew up since then.
Good album…I am not hearing any 80’s references on the new Nite Jewel. I have no idea why people think this is so?? I was also teenager in the 80’s…so anyone that says the 80’s produced musical crap r usually young folks in 2012…tho I loved The Birthday Party and any Nick Cave release (yes I bought them all on vinyl when they came out) the 80’s also spewed out fab bands like Cocteau Twins, Current 93, Marc Almond, Chris & Cosey, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Diamanda Galas, Divine, Echo and the Bunnymen, Opal, Jesus and Mary Chain, Psychic TV, Strawberry Switchblad I could on and on….but the 80’s did not suck…now the 90’s is questionable lol…
I was referring to the shallow/pretentious/pop side of the Eighties that a lot of these groups rather clumsily ape.
The underground groups of the Eighties were unparalleled
in their greatness on both sides of the Atlantic,and I think
the great majority of them still hold up.
Aside from underground music, I found the culture of the period
intolerably dim-witted and tacky, with the added daily fear of nuclear war hanging overhead.
I think you’re just old, bro.
I think you’re just Bro.
Guilty as charged! Then again, I never heard your mom complain, and how could she? She had duct tape all over her mouth.
my point exactly
black people
they’ll tell you they can’t help being that way, that it is OUR educational system that has failed THEM. oh well, at least this one appears to know of this great source for new music.
so im nodata famous now. people are impersonating me. that’s funny.
feeling embarassed about the things you said much?
why would i feel embarassed, this is the internet. just stating facts son.
♥ U, Nite Jewel!
i ♥ this 2
her sound got produced, and it did not lend itself to the charm of her first tracks. instead, it has cheapened her sound and put it through an extremely genre typifying filter. it’s unfortunate because the italians do it better tracks were fresh and exciting. this release is just boring. but of course, something completely mediocre got 50 comments because of the myriad of complete morons on here.
Why is production inherently bad or good, and what have Italians done better since the Roman Empire?
I’d have to say Italians have created the hottest women in the world
hahaaah no
che cazzo stai dicendo? Vaffanculo a Lei, la sua moglie, e’ la sua madre. Lei e’ un cafone stronzo. Io non mangio in questo merdaio! Vada via in culo!
In 1971, he appeared as the evil magician Hoodoo in Lidsville, a psychedelically flavored live-action children’s program produced by Sid and Marty Krofft that aired on Saturday mornings on ABC. The show was about a boy who falls into a magician’s hat and enters a magical world of hat-humans. It is through these roles, as well as his playing the titular role in Uncle Croc’s Block and appearing once on Walt Disney’s The Mouse Factory, that Reilly’s voice and mannerisms were embedded in a generation of young fans.
Mmmm I think I like it. It’s a good album. 7/10.
P.S.—> Go fight in the streets, not here. Please.
wow nodata needs a forum all most like a community here
Apparently they’re starting a forum, I’m all for it. It’ll keep the jerks off the main site hopefully. Getting kinda tired of the bad jokes and bickering.
I totally agree 7up. What happened to decent classy people? It’s getting pretty old sifting through all the garbage that people say on here.
Is there a way to report/hide comments like on youtube? I guess it’s not worth it for a site like this, but just a though. Keep up the good work nodata :)
all dumb fucking comments aside,
nite jewel still sucks ass
always has