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Kimbra / Settle Down EP [2011]

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  1. Buffalo October 20, 2011

    This woman is just amazing. Her debut “Vows” is out in Australia and New Zealand and it’s currently set for a US release early next year. It’s my personal Album of the Year for this year.

  2. REVIEWS October 20, 2011

    Hey, I like your blog, but I am confused by your comment. I listend to the videos available on line by Kimbra, and the music seems to be so, well, predictable. Consider Little Dragon: They had a great sound, I saw them live, just in time, because as of early 2011 with their most recent release everything changed with what they are sounding like. They became very formulated, and the chord changes became uniformly pop and predictable. And from what I am hearing of Kimbra, well, she sounded so much like the the NEW Little Dragon that I had to do a double take! How is it that you run a music site, yet call this amazing? On what level is it amazing? I’m not being sarcastic, I wish to understand.

    • Leon Lovich October 21, 2011

      I think Little Dragon sound as great as they always have and more like their 1st album than their 2nd. Sorry, I know this is about Kimbra but Yukimi is painfully good. Everything she sings on (Koop, Jafrosax, Hird, Sleepwalker, Stateless, Swell Session, to name just a few) melts my heart. She always does a great job!

  3. haus October 20, 2011

    i’d bone her, if that’s what you’re asking

  4. Buffalo October 20, 2011

    Because opinions son. Because opinions.

  5. Buffalo October 20, 2011

    Also I’m hoping if I mention how amazing she is, maybe next time when we run into each other, she’ll suck my dick.

  6. Widower Maker October 20, 2011

    Lol hilarious thread. At first I thought I wouldn’t do her cause all the tats, but then I noticed the pascal triangles on her wrist… Guess I’ll compromise and let her give me a handjob.

    • handle October 21, 2011

      They’re not real tats, just a photoshoot thing. All the same, that’s not a very nice way to talk about someone. Here on the internet we need to maintain seriousness and civility at all times.

      Her album is on here and still up too.

  7. more please October 21, 2011

    Well she sounds familiar to Yukimi Nagano but who cares?
    The more music the better.

    You are seeing music, not hearing it. Why does composition and complex arrangements decide what is good and what isn’t. You cannot feel the music if you are anticipating what’s next all the time. Personally, that ruins it for me.

    Oh, that must be a C sharp diminished 7th to the 9ner infinite coda fart fuck, so it’s not a cool and acceptable arrangement. No, I must be blown away constantly by envelope pushing musics.

    Just listen.

    • REVIEWS October 22, 2011

      You have enlightend me. I am enlightened.

    • Time October 22, 2011

      You have been listining to your stoned big brother for too long. I am angry at him because he took the ability to write or read music away from you. The comment you made is the sort of angry, defensive “advise” the ignorant give when, due their lack of education, they feel “out of their depth”. Dont be that guy, you can do better for yourself.

  8. REVIEWS October 22, 2011


    • Time October 22, 2011

      No, the guy above you who said: “Oh, that must be a C sharp diminished 7th to the 9ner infinite coda fart fuck.”

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