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sleepmakeswaves / … And So We Destroyed Everything [2011]

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  1. sam July 29, 2011

    and so here is another god damn post-rock band that starts out their album name with And So. And with track titles like “to you they are birds, to me they are voices of the forest” Ohhhh, how deep. But wait, there’s more! “(hello) Cloud Mountain” Oh god kill me now.

    • REVIEWS July 29, 2011

      True, remember in the mid-90’s when there were thousands of bands copying Pear Jam & Nirvana? The same thing has happened in the world of post-rock with thousands of poor-man’s versions of Mogwi & Sigur Ros. The long, aestheticly paticular titles come from Mogwi, & the ENDLESSLY REDUNDANT chord changes come from Sigur Ros. I have not heard this particular album, but it does not bode well…

  2. Bettina Richards July 29, 2011

    lol.. like someone mentioned earlier. just by looking at a band’s name and the album cover you can tell instantly it’s post rock. this has been the case for the past 10 yrs.. doesnt look like it’ll change any time soon.

  3. nick July 29, 2011

    as a big post-rock fan, i don’t find it annoying it all. in fact, most of the time, i find the titles of bands/albums/songs nice, as they fit the atmosphere of the songs well.

    with that said, it’s true that you can instantly tell if its post-rock by the proverbial cover.

    However, this release sucked. I listened at work. really forgettable, even by post-rock standards.

  4. pixelterror July 31, 2011

    Post-post rock ?( remember the era of sad imitators during the post grunge era? LOL)

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