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2401 / Untitled [2024]

[Label: Heaven Smile | Cat#: HS2401]
  1. B/W Flower (10:57)
  2. 9 Degrees & Rain (09:59)


  1. Unemployed ANd with the birds June 12, 2024

    I want to thank my boss for firing me, U have allowed me to connect with a whole species of animals that has many little species within it, And Now im going to form a connection with them, Thank u,,, YOu made this possible… If u see this,,, It cause one 1) you spied on me and copied me , so ur in the same website 2) You spying on me cause you know Im going to scheme against you, Fair point and true 3) You spying on me cause you was fake all along and it was a scheme against the greater society at large. At that point, I hope there is some greater god or some shit to take care of u , But im not counting it…

    • Sorry, I dont think its all three at the same time. It was meant to be a mulitple choice, But I do think that this cThat you copied me, know that my activties will be swag and need to be kept track of, and are threat to society at large..... June 12, 2024

      I cant believe I ever thought it could be a could idea to work on something other then a mix,,,

      • MY boss is a threat* June 12, 2024

        HIs company is literally taking control

    • I didnt mean to make any disrepctful typos June 12, 2024

      IF I could go back and type it differently, I would have

  2. For G g June 12, 2024

    I know ur not my boss and i also think its unlikely he would be no data,… Im sorry

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