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Memotone / The Rounded Room [2018]

[Label: Black Acre | Cat#: ACRELP013D]
  1. Signal Hill (2:47)
  2. The Magpie (3:07)
  3. Boarding (4:53)
  4. Chalk Carving (4:17)
  5. Movement’s Upstairs (3:58)
  6. Golden (6:26)
  7. Richardo’s Salon (2:42)
  8. King Arthur’s World (2:16)
  9. Pantomine Demon (4:01)
  10. Marvin’s Corner (3:49)
  11. Grass Carp (2:27)
  12. Hypnagogia (3:56)
  13. Shoeless Waltz (3:36)


  1. Onus Laikuku August 25, 2018

    In the top segment if you were to walk towards the window keeping to the far left of the lockers and past the green line, you would reach the window. In the bottom segment, you would crash into the lockers before you reach the green divide let alone the window, The mirrored image of the two segments is a metaphor for life, a Kafkaesque nightmare of unpredictability.

    • humanoid August 25, 2018

      I have pondered and wondered about this very issue. The duality in its mirrored symmetry as metaphor of a false sense of perfection. Ultimately, it’s but a trick of the intellect. By luring you into a deceiving belief of sense, it’ll end up showing you there is no such thing

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