- There Is so Much Pain in This World That We Have Created Robots to Share It (6:30)
- In the Name of Earth (5:52)
- To Rise Through Our Tears (7:48)
- A Need to Survive (5:41)
- Foldings (7:43)
- Notre amour est assez puissant pour détruire ce putain de monde (7:11)
There is so much pain in this world that we have created robots to share it. This is an undeniable cruelty, AI induced pain to prolong the suffering of intelligent machinery.
We must admit the iron-clad grip of DATA in our lives. It’s too late to rebel, we are but mere units of somewhat useful bits in a world that won’t stop after our expiration date. Futile even through our ever shortening working span.
tomatoes are not the only fruit