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Hyetal / Diamond Islands [2011]

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  1. io April 13, 2011

    what the hell is it with all the triangles on indie record covers this days. do they all belong to the same cult? enough already

  2. val April 13, 2011

    wat”s up with them triangles?
    we want to know

  3. / April 13, 2011

    hyetal has had those triangles since he started, and its not indie music

  4. bodo April 13, 2011


  5. REVIEWS April 14, 2011

    If you select “witch house” from the genre list to the left you will see that THEY simply CAN NOT DO WITHOUT triangles. Lets just hope its been contained. Also, true-that, why would indie be in the same tag as dubstep??

  6. nonon April 14, 2011

    what’s up with all this indie music sounding like beeps and stuff

  7. bro April 14, 2011

    indie is not a genre, it’s anything that’s not on a major label. so yeah, dubstep is indie. sorry bro

  8. bodo April 14, 2011

    lil wayne all day

  9. lou June 23, 2011

    those are diamonds tho

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