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The Sea and Cake / The Moonlight Butterfly‎ [2011]

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  1. Oliver April 7, 2011

    Thank you so much.. waited so long for this!

  2. Claudio April 7, 2011

    Just wanna say thank you very much for this great blog!! Amazing!
    And only one suggest: I think it would be very cool you add a link to each artist´s MySpace, or any site where to find information and listen previews.
    Best regards! and thanks once more…

  3. Jamie at Thrill Jockey April 7, 2011

    Please take down this download link, and please stop posting download links to all of our albums.

    The Moonlight Butterfly is available now to pre-order

  4. Gus April 7, 2011

    Jamie: Im a big fan of Sea And Cake”s music and i have all their discography in originals cds, but only because i could listen each of their cd”s before buy it and they likes me!
    I live in Argentina (South America) and sometimes takes me more than a month receive the LP”S or CDªS i wanted to have in physical format from your label, and one more thing: for me are ridiculously expensive!
    So… let me listen before, ok?
    Your way to sell music its no more “the way” to do it, Welcome to the XXI century! please, think about it!

    ●●●: Thank You so much!

  5. Mace Hane April 8, 2011

    Yep, completely agree. Been burned too many times to think about with albums that just ain’t worth the outlay. Now, I only download from cool haunts such as nodata, and, if I love somethin’, really love an album, I order it. Okay, I may end up ordering it from somewhere like Amazon marketplace to pay not much but that’s ’cause I’m sick of most places ripping folks off STILL, on prices, ten years after they should have woken up(HMV deserve the fuck to go out of business(just a pity that so many cool folk work there and where will they go)).
    All the recent albums I’ve bought(Snowman, Vagina Panther, The Dears …)have been based solely on having downloaded and listened to for a week or so.

  6. sam April 10, 2011

    Agreed. Downloading music has exposed me to so much more music than I ever thought possible. I have seen these guys live in concert, something I would never have done had it not been for downloading their mp3s.

  7. Edith April 14, 2011

    File was deleted, could you please re-upload?

  8. Victor Brosso September 29, 2011


  9. Victor Brosso September 29, 2011

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