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Eluvium / Shuffle Drones [2017]

[Label: Temporary Residence | Cat#: TRRSPEC13DIG1]
  1. simply put (0:32)
  2. the suggested manner (0:32)
  3. of listening (0:32)
  4. to this work (0:32)
  5. is to isolate (0:32)
  6. the collection (0:32)
  7. and to randomize (0:53)
  8. the play pattern (0:32)
  9. on infinite repeat- (0:32)
  10. thus creating (0:32)
  11. a shuffling (0:32)
  12. drone orchestration (0:32)
  13. the intent (0:32)
  14. is to create (0:32)
  15. a body (0:32)
  16. of work (0:32)
  17. specifically designed for (0:32)
  18. and in disruption of (0:32)
  19. modern listening habits (0:32)
  20. and to suggest something (0:32)
  21. peaceful, complex (0:32)
  22. unique, and ever-changing (0:32)
  23. thank you (0:43)

1 Comment

  1. Shirt November 14, 2017

    Cool. Thanks No Data

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