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Distal / Bushido Rave [2016]

[Label: Hot Mom | Cat#: MOM022]
  1. One Up (4:41)
  2. Wave Runner (4:03)
  3. Flowers (2:45)
  4. Tokyo Nail Salon (3:49)
  5. Let It Roar (4:21)


  1. no August 15, 2016

    not about this record.. but UL sees adblocks. and blocks back. and if you turn off adblock. its fkked

  2. on August 15, 2016

    ^^On chrome you can right-click, “inspect element” and delete the blocking things off UL until you can fill out the captcha, then download normally

  3. Tempest August 15, 2016

    Now, back to the record…

    • sure August 16, 2016


    • Radiskop! August 16, 2016

      Nah, lets keep talking about files and cover arts.

  4. lol August 16, 2016

    Oh god, ads on soundcloud? when some commercial mf like diplo puts ads on their soundcloud they probably do get some money with all the views, but this lil 800 views a song guy wanna spam ads? i’ll pass

  5. AllTogetherNow August 16, 2016

    The Ad Spam saga had reached new height and so men suited up in space gear, suction cups on their feet, taser guns in hand. They climbed skyscrapers, one foot at time with the suction cups making a goo sound of slurp. Angry and driven into states of madness because of the Ad Spam campaign by the greedy markiteers the men begin an open war campaign in the urban constructs where high rises project high like erect penises created by male enhancement drugs. Insane, the men opened fire and the taser guns scored direct hits and the men hung limp, akimbo like dangling spiders hit by a dose of DDT.

    • fiction August 16, 2016

      Might this be coach dumfy? I haven’t read the comment, just going by the look of it

  6. seep August 24, 2016

    am i the only one having trouble unzipping the file? (tried several DL sites… same prob) receiving error messages

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