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Tropa Macaca ‎/ Vida [2016]

[Label: The Trilogy Tapes | Cat#: TTT 042]
  1. Igual A Si (5:05)
  2. Pelos Olhos De Osiris (6:55)
  3. Arestas Do Tempo (5:53)
  4. Sol A Nascer (7:54)


  1. ProjectBlueBeam June 14, 2016

    Kennedy and June bumped into each other at Starbucks. Catching up as old friends do, the conversation carried over as the two girls left the cafe and walked to their cars in the lot. Kennedy was talking smack during the entire conversation, bragging about old boyfriends she left in the ditch and pulling a girls hair out in the restroom of a nightclub who was sleeping with one of her ex-boyfriends. June chuckled as each tall tale creeped through Kennedy’s lips. Kennedy’s braggadocio was a shield, in fact Kennedy was not at all the person she presented to her old friend. Kennedy’s existence was embedded in deep fears and insecurities, her life had become a living terror afraid of every human being she came into contact with, fearing an attack from the most dangerous species on the planet earth; human beings. June knew this intuitively and later on in the day after reflecting on her conversation with Kennedy postulated that most human beings are like her old friend and that all conversations between all human beings should be as follows: “Hello, I am scared to death of everyone on this planet, my life is a never ending loop of anxiety and fear. Good seeing you” and June looked forward to the day where all human dialogues would follow this template. “This will make for a more concise society with all the bull shit being cast out all human communications.” June thought this as she cracked open her Psychology 101 text.

  2. Frankie Muniz June 14, 2016

    ^ nae bother mate

  3. timo media sorf June 15, 2016

    Will Bankhead gone Broken Flag, circa 1987. Beautiful and rare.

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