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Orson Hentschel / Feed the Tape [2016]

[Label: Denovali Records | Cat#: none]
  1. 16 mm (7:31)
  2. Harmonica (5:52)
  3. Feed the Tape (4:40)
  4. Slow-Moving (10:15)
  5. Noise of the Light (7:05)
  6. Shirari (8:16)
  7. Florence (7:42)
  8. What’s Going On (8:14)


  1. PostStalinistReview March 9, 2016

    Difficult to discern what is going on in the photo for the album cover. A guy in black panty hose tossing someone or something into the air. What is the world coming to?

  2. chris_c March 10, 2016

    i dunno either, but i think one, if not both, of his pods have popped out.
    thanks for the share and the stimulating exchange.

  3. George March 10, 2016

    Why do people talk about the cover art on this site so much. I would hope the comments were to talk about the music (or lack there of).

    • steal this March 10, 2016

      contrived bonhomie of the lonely

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