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STL / Symbiotik Chunk [2016]

[Label: Something | Cat#: SVS28]
  1. Musika (10:42)
  2. Rhythm (8:21)
  3. Loop A (0:28)
  4. Lonely Nights (11:06)
  5. Get Into It (2:15)
  6. Why R U Scared (About Things U Don’t Know) (6:41)
  7. Loop B (0:28)


  1. skinnypuppy March 2, 2016

    St Louis is a terrible city, avoid it like it was Detroit.

  2. Coach Dumfi March 2, 2016

    I’ll drink to that. The Cardinals beat the Dodgers every October to knock them out of the playoffs. The midwestern sense of entitlement is putrid and they wear it on their sleeves like the Third Reich wore the swastika.

    • March 3, 2016

      Don’t drink and write

  3. rubiconfidential March 5, 2016

    100 Gnome Warlock What Does Dog Think? 22900 madoran pandateetsieteetsie I see that you decided to talk bad on me, even tho i specifically kept my response in our guild forums to keep from talking bad on u and shit in ur forums. You may have found me annoying and garrulous but you told me to shut up when i was calling stuff out in a fight that you’ve never had exp. w/ before. You can’t come into a new guild and act like all of your opinions and strats are better than that bread and butter, built ford tough shit that has worked for us all expansion. We have never had this much drama with any other recruit. And a note to any guild who decides to take this guy, make sure you give him any piece of mahfuk’n loot he feels like he deserves, or get ready an hour long argument on it. Like hourz of nasally voiced bullshit.
    Oh, and if you are a female, be prepared to get called dumb!

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