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TB Arthur / Acid Artifacts EP [2016]

[Label: White Label | Cat#: none]
  1. A1 (5:52)
  2. A2 (5:04)
  3. B1 (7:28)
  4. B2 (5:00)


  1. daniel February 25, 2016


  2. EdHodg February 26, 2016


  3. rubiconfidential February 29, 2016

    this guy has a lot of history with a lot of people in the top end US guilds. He was basically a leftover from the old days and tries to live off the glory of kills he was never a part of. I and quite a few of my guildies have raided with him at least once in several different guilds, and everyone has the same story, he’s insufferable, rude, ragey, terrible at his class, and unwilling to take any sort of criticisms without making the raid leaders down a bottle of aspirin.
    so to recap. he is the antithesis of what high end guilds want from a recruit, repeatedly lies about his progression and experience, and is a nightmare to manage.

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