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Phooka / Throwing Techniques [2015]

[Label: Love Blast | Cat#: LB11]
  1. Armspin (7:09)
  2. Floating Drops (7:22)


  1. CoachDumfi January 5, 2016

    It will take quite of a bit of imagination to sort out what is going on in the photo used as album artwork, add speculative powers. This old Phooka seems to have given this guy in the white jacket ‘da boot’ and the guy in the white jacket is flying upside down. What provoked this Phooka to use his ‘das booting’ abilities. And be damned I will be, but the weed in front of the old Phooka looks to be a pair of scissors. Snip snip after ‘da boot’ and flying.

  2. LA January 5, 2016

    This is the only known photograph that has ever been taken of the Great Confuso. With a very nimble and minimal move he has just thrown his jiu-jitsu student into the air and on the ground, causing him limb dislocation, cartilage damage and permanent rupture of the timpani. You can clearly appreciate the disappointment in the Master’s visage, though. “I’m surrounded by amateurs and dopes” he muttered in disgust, pulling out a small caliber hand-gun and proceeding to shoot at the photographer, who dropped the camera and run for his life.

  3. CoachDumfi January 5, 2016

    Thank you for clearing up the confusion in my analysis of this odd ball photo. Could it have been possible that the photographer got winged while fleeing the scene? I wonder about stuff like this, the condition of the jiu-jitsu student not in question, but the guy who was brave enough to snap a photo of the Great Confuso (a moody prick he must be) delivering a move that would segment and detach Humpty Dumpty should he come face to face with yer Greatness of Confusion. The police blotter shows that the gun (the second resort of Confuso to lash out at all things in movement with extreme violence) was a smart gun that belonged to a man named Wild Billy Oates (a local hillbilly who spends his days drunk and driving around in a four wheel drive pickup) and that there was no possible way of The Great Confuso being able to log into the app that controls the weapon with a palm print. The police also are not aware of the special powers this Confuso has, a stolen smart gun is a simple task for him.

  4. Dont hooray, be hrry January 6, 2016

    Phooka in his prime, throwing techniques some asses before breakfast.

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