The Rehumanizer crashed that Italian sports car (Maserati) doing 110 mph on Pac Coast Highway 1. Nothing that resembled a human body was found after the tangled mess was separated and hauled off to the junk yard. Perplexed, the Police Report read: Auto Drive Maserati internal hardware mistake causing the sports car to veer left of center into oncoming traffic hitting Range Rover where that driver deceased instantly. The Rehumanizer kept the side doors of his Italian sports car, morphed them into wings and this left the planet to another dimension that some have mistaken for a Nirvana. An orange rocky planet with an odd purple day glow.
For the sake of your own remaining sanity, please stop
CoachDumfiDecember 5, 2015
Time was concept that could no longer be measured, minutes, hours, centuries and millenniums would pass with the bat of an eye. The Rehumanizer commenced work on building a Pod, the first mode of travel made from all natural materials (there is nothing else on this Planet other than natural materials) that he had collected over ‘Time”. The side doors on the Maserati were still guided into his body and worked as wings that became heavier and heavier with each second. “The Pod will fly me off of this orange purple planet, and then I will return to Earth and sue the Maserati Corporation for making that faulty internal hard drive that controlled the auto drive that led to this wretched state of affairs: one dead (trillions of years ago, the driver of the Range Rover) and me, The Rehumanizer with wings to heavy to lift off the ground)”. The Rehumanizer was in a reflective state of mind when he said this to himself. His Pod could never lift off the ground after completion. The Rehumanizer spent more “Time” alone here on Planet L. alone, his wings dropping heavy, the piece of junk Pod that he built no better than the Auto Drive Maserati he left back on Earth Zillions of years ago. Time.
I’m kinda oldschool when it comes to party (ahem) but my siamese twin has some younger friends and he tried some of those weird and very interesting substances that are legal for some monts and then boom …all of a sudden they are not legal anymore. Sometimes i think that this Coach guy is showing the unwanted side effects of those new ways of having phun… The message is : be smart kids and have phun but not too much or you’ll end up like a Coachdumfi
The Rehumanizer crashed that Italian sports car (Maserati) doing 110 mph on Pac Coast Highway 1. Nothing that resembled a human body was found after the tangled mess was separated and hauled off to the junk yard. Perplexed, the Police Report read: Auto Drive Maserati internal hardware mistake causing the sports car to veer left of center into oncoming traffic hitting Range Rover where that driver deceased instantly. The Rehumanizer kept the side doors of his Italian sports car, morphed them into wings and this left the planet to another dimension that some have mistaken for a Nirvana. An orange rocky planet with an odd purple day glow.
please stop
…Yes, please, please stop.
Please asking to stop
For the sake of your own remaining sanity, please stop
Time was concept that could no longer be measured, minutes, hours, centuries and millenniums would pass with the bat of an eye. The Rehumanizer commenced work on building a Pod, the first mode of travel made from all natural materials (there is nothing else on this Planet other than natural materials) that he had collected over ‘Time”. The side doors on the Maserati were still guided into his body and worked as wings that became heavier and heavier with each second. “The Pod will fly me off of this orange purple planet, and then I will return to Earth and sue the Maserati Corporation for making that faulty internal hard drive that controlled the auto drive that led to this wretched state of affairs: one dead (trillions of years ago, the driver of the Range Rover) and me, The Rehumanizer with wings to heavy to lift off the ground)”. The Rehumanizer was in a reflective state of mind when he said this to himself. His Pod could never lift off the ground after completion. The Rehumanizer spent more “Time” alone here on Planet L. alone, his wings dropping heavy, the piece of junk Pod that he built no better than the Auto Drive Maserati he left back on Earth Zillions of years ago. Time.
I’m kinda oldschool when it comes to party (ahem) but my siamese twin has some younger friends and he tried some of those weird and very interesting substances that are legal for some monts and then boom …all of a sudden they are not legal anymore. Sometimes i think that this Coach guy is showing the unwanted side effects of those new ways of having phun… The message is : be smart kids and have phun but not too much or you’ll end up like a Coachdumfi
Don’t Forget the triangles !