A very nice listening experience leaving the listener lapses of time to think, to actually reflect on what this thing we call life might be. Where are we going?
OMG are you guys suggesting this is a poltergeist type situation captured on camera… I am feeling very unsettled… we should of not have gone there you guys… oh no, what now, what?
Hollywood and the Cinema business have typically ingrained the idea that the incorporeal world is always threatening to us, the living. Similar to the suspicion that all modern pop musicians are drug attics (mostly true, but not entirely). Living or spiritual, this photo for Moon Zero’s wonderful record is no more threatening than the music played behind it. One day we will all walk in step with non-corporeal.
Pill BillSeptember 27, 2015
FYI I’m european – we don’t have Hollywood, methamphetamine and vanilla frappuccino latte
The artwork is haunting.
Why? Care to explain?
The face of this woman seems to be incorporeal. A Ghostly complexion that appears out of the blue and into the black.
A very nice listening experience leaving the listener lapses of time to think, to actually reflect on what this thing we call life might be. Where are we going?
its actually really not that tight but id really like to smoke with u
are you so sure it is a woman and … a human?
OMG are you guys suggesting this is a poltergeist type situation captured on camera… I am feeling very unsettled… we should of not have gone there you guys… oh no, what now, what?
Too late. They will get you when its dark and you are all alone.
Hollywood and the Cinema business have typically ingrained the idea that the incorporeal world is always threatening to us, the living. Similar to the suspicion that all modern pop musicians are drug attics (mostly true, but not entirely). Living or spiritual, this photo for Moon Zero’s wonderful record is no more threatening than the music played behind it. One day we will all walk in step with non-corporeal.
FYI I’m european – we don’t have Hollywood, methamphetamine and vanilla frappuccino latte