Please remove this illegal download from your website.
If you would, please put a link to our shop in it’s place. We are a small label and use profits from sales to pay the artist.
Sincerely – Craig Monkeytek PDXINDUBTING!
Hi , just let me say that :
I discover this by downloading it , so I found it cool , and I’m gonna buy this stuff (…and probably other) . More : I promote this too on my social networks , so i think : downloading stuff just lose some bucks on Madonna or david Guetta and other craps… but on specific cool indie like that (am I wrong ?)
@PDXINDUBTHING I guess bloodybird is right – 90 % of my purchases are becasue of nodata stuff … so dont get mad bro but more can download more will buy to apreciate …
Please remove this illegal download from your website.
If you would, please put a link to our shop in it’s place. We are a small label and use profits from sales to pay the artist.
Sincerely – Craig Monkeytek PDXINDUBTING!
Hi , just let me say that :
I discover this by downloading it , so I found it cool , and I’m gonna buy this stuff (…and probably other) . More : I promote this too on my social networks , so i think : downloading stuff just lose some bucks on Madonna or david Guetta and other craps… but on specific cool indie like that (am I wrong ?)
@PDXINDUBTHING I guess bloodybird is right – 90 % of my purchases are becasue of nodata stuff … so dont get mad bro but more can download more will buy to apreciate …
take care