well, I would say that lately they had some good stuff but also they fell little to average stuff just relying on the well established names… just my opinion :) from those around 45 releases they have I have around 20 and I am also not that much touched by this one… But, 100 people, 100 tastes :)
why is there so little smallville stuff uploaded. love the label to bits
If you like the label as you say, go and buy some mp3s or vinyls and do not expect to be all for free here…. Easy, right?
Not that easy, kelleh ‘s right, go for smallville ! Got the vinyl but not the mp3 so %#@#$ !
I have over 20 smallville releases on wax and hopefully it’s not over :)
I do own smallville releases on vinyl. Just wondering, as I said, why so little ends up on here compared to shitter labels
well, I would say that lately they had some good stuff but also they fell little to average stuff just relying on the well established names… just my opinion :) from those around 45 releases they have I have around 20 and I am also not that much touched by this one… But, 100 people, 100 tastes :)
I do own smallville on vinyl. Just wondering, as I said, why so little ends up on here compared to shitter stuff