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Die Antwoord / Donker Mag [2014]

Zef Records

1. Dont Fuk Me (00:28)
2. Ugly Boy (03:33)
3. Happy Go Sucky Fucky (04:11)
4. Zars (01:05)
5. Raging Zef Boner (03:19)
6. Pompie (01:16)
7. Cookie Thumper! (03:20)
8. Girl I Want 2 Eat U (04:04)
9. Pitbull Terrier (03:40)
10. Strunk (04:30)
11. Do Not Fuk Wif da Kid (01:03)
12. Rat Trap 666 (feat. DJ Muggs) (05:44)
13. I Dont Dwank (03:25)
14. Sex (04:36)
15. Moon Love (02:17)
16. Donker Mag (03:20)


  1. shawn June 3, 2014


  2. panes June 3, 2014

    its their best so far

    • panes June 4, 2014

      also Yolandi is one of the sexiest women, all time

  3. sickLAD June 4, 2014


  4. Tláloc Coyolxauhqui Mictlantecuhtli June 4, 2014


  5. die cuntwoord June 4, 2014

    Waddy aka ninja is one of the biggest wankers. Upper class kid from private schooling and shiny suburbs parading as a hardcore-trailerpark-convict wannabe doos. Absolute asshole in real life. Yolandi is cool though.
    Some more coarse hip-pop from vokken poespaste zuid-afrika, lekker.

    • panes June 4, 2014

      to be fair isn’t he just playing a character as ninja? have you seen what he wears and how he acts outside of die antwoord? or what he was like in the period of he makes no attempt to portray himself as anything else.

      • panes June 4, 2014

        as anything else, other than a white middle class guy I mean

  6. KingKongWithALongStrongDong June 4, 2014

    surprisingly entertaining … I’ve heard a lot worse music – but this is a nice entertainment.

  7. Yoga Queef June 5, 2014

    I was having good time until go sucky fucky happened

  8. Kashmir June 11, 2014

    GOD, how rich kids piss me off…

  9. Belinda Z. July 11, 2014

    They always get occult. Like, who was she? Like that british rapper chick?

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