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Alexis Zoumbas / A Lament for Epirus, 1926-1928 [2014]

[Label: Angry Mom | Cat#: AMA-04]
  1. Epirotiko Mirologi (4:16)
  2. Gaitanaki (4:08)
  3. Tsamiko Makedonias (4:12)
  4. Samantakas (4:21)
  5. Frasia (3:58)
  6. Kleftes (Tsamikos) (4:04)
  7. Mpil Mpil (3:56)
  8. Alimbeis (4:14)
  9. Syrtos Sta Dyo (4:19)
  10. Tzamara Arvanitiko (4:38)


  1. Houseworxx May 23, 2014

    woooow nodata you are fucking amazing! this is so beautiful and it this guy was the violinist of Marika Papagika <3
    great songs especially no 7

  2. Bitcoin May 24, 2014

    Great post! Thanks

  3. you are a fucking faggot May 24, 2014

    eat shit and die

    • Houseworxx May 24, 2014

      well i*m gonna shit on your parents grave and afterwards i*m gonna shit deep in your mouth you mothafakkin hater-bitch! you now go and die!! ;)

  4. mel gibson May 24, 2014

    wonderful, thanks more like this. and exuma. thanks

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