First off, everyone should know that this is a web-rip. I have no idea how it was obtained but in all honesty it sounds like shit… the audio is incredibly muddy and unappealing. Anyone who is awaiting the release of ‘Coexist’ with much anticipation should without-a-doubt wait for a higher quality leak.
Having said that, the ultimate advantage of hearing this leak is that we get to analyze the songwriting on their new album… And in my own opinion, I truly regret to say that it is quite underwhelming.
Very Liars-esque. Awesome album if you are stoned. Amazing guitar textures to be found here. But overall it’s pretty lame. Makes me wanna go and hear “The xx” again, just like a cleansing exercise for my ears. Not bad though, I just can’t picture myself being in the mood for this rather than their more recent stuff. Also, it’s important to add the word boring..
this is not a legit 320. for those that care. spectral analysis makes it obvious, that the quality is horrible. sounds bas on studio grade speakers/headphones.
however, the leak is good enough to preview the tracks on your cheap speakers, earbuds.
Everyone knows that Jamie makes very healthy coin from this project. Still, it’s a shame that so much time is wasted on it, when he could be using his ear to greater effect. Shame. A great talent stuck in the game.
You guys Rock!, Thanks for this one!
First off, everyone should know that this is a web-rip. I have no idea how it was obtained but in all honesty it sounds like shit… the audio is incredibly muddy and unappealing. Anyone who is awaiting the release of ‘Coexist’ with much anticipation should without-a-doubt wait for a higher quality leak.
Having said that, the ultimate advantage of hearing this leak is that we get to analyze the songwriting on their new album… And in my own opinion, I truly regret to say that it is quite underwhelming.
i, like totally, concur!
the quality is good. you’re crazy.
no one cares what you think
“Having said that, the ultimate advantage of hearing this leak is that we get to analyze the songwriting on their new album…”
what a douchebag
to the gulags with you!
Bill Fay
Life Is People
upload please!
im downloading this solely because infinity is one of the most well written songs ive heard. i sorry i just, i cannt givveee itttt uuuuuuuppppp.
Lame album. 6/10 IMO.
I agree. Just like the Four tet new one.
fuck you, JJp. that four tet album is good as tits.
que te jodan a tí desgraciado
the four tet album is great
the four tet is excellent, such a good rework and reorder, that’s how it shoulda been and is now!
d’accord. b-oooring!
Very Liars-esque. Awesome album if you are stoned. Amazing guitar textures to be found here. But overall it’s pretty lame. Makes me wanna go and hear “The xx” again, just like a cleansing exercise for my ears. Not bad though, I just can’t picture myself being in the mood for this rather than their more recent stuff. Also, it’s important to add the word boring..
So is this legit 320?
this is not a legit 320. for those that care. spectral analysis makes it obvious, that the quality is horrible. sounds bas on studio grade speakers/headphones.
however, the leak is good enough to preview the tracks on your cheap speakers, earbuds.
sounds *bad
It has been taken down!!!
oh no oh OMG o please no
link down
can humanity withstand it
oh god the horrid spectre of it
made me fall asleep…
Everyone knows that Jamie makes very healthy coin from this project. Still, it’s a shame that so much time is wasted on it, when he could be using his ear to greater effect. Shame. A great talent stuck in the game.
boring, dull, monotonous ; repetitious, repetitive ; unrelieved, lacking variety, lacking variation, lacking excitement, lacking interest, unvaried, unimaginative, uneventful, characterless, featureless, colourless, lifeless, soulless, passionless, spiritless, unspirited, insipid, uninteresting, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating, unoriginal, derivative, jejune, nondescript, sterile, flat, bland, (plain) vanilla, arid, dry, dry as dust, stale, wishy-washy, grey, anaemic, tired, banal, lame, plodding, ponderous, pedestrian, lacklustre, stodgy, dreary, mechanical, stiff, leaden, wooden ; mind-numbing, soul-destroying, wearisome, tiring, tiresome, irksome, trying, frustrating ; humdrum, prosaic, mundane, commonplace, workaday, quotidian, unremarkable, routine, run-of-the-mill, normal, usual, ordinary, conventional, suburban ; N. Amer. garden variety ; deadly, bog-standard, nothing to write home about, a dime a dozen, no great shakes, not up to much ; Brit. samey, common or garden ; N. Amer. dullsville, ornery
I take it you didn’t enjoy this album?
i always knew there was a reason I never read comments on nodata. bunch of trolls with way too much crap to spew
Any chance of re-upload…?
Overated emo-hipsta heavy shit!